Invitation of a Lifetime? (.1)

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"I'm home!"

"Welcome back." A lavender haired teen said without taking her eyes off some homework she was doing.

"How was your day, Mom?" Asked a smaller blue-haired teen, who was sitting on the floor with the small TV on.

"Exhausting as usual. Package came for you, Shion." The older woman said as she passed a white box to her second child.

Shion took the package and started examining it. Their mother let out a yawn and told her two kids that she was going to bed. Right as she left the room, she shouted back to Shion to tell her what was in the box in the morning.

They each bid her goodnights, and Shion continued to look over the box.

"Let me guess; More Duel Monsters stuff?" The older one asked.

"It's from Industrial Illusions," Shion answered.

"Called it."

"That doesn't count, Nagisa. That's like guessing there's water in the sea." Shion countered.

Nagisa made her way over to Shion, as they placed the box to the side. "You're not gonna open it?" Nagisa asked as she sat down.

"I will once I find out who wins."

Nagisa let out a sigh. Not realising that the Duel Monster match Shion was watching was still going. They each watched with varying levels of interest.

"What's the green-haired one named again?" Nagisa asked.

"Weevil Underwood, or at least that's what he tells people," Shion told her.

"Is he this intense in real life?"

"I think he's somehow worse."

Nagisa pressed her lips into a thin line. Shion appreciated that despite her confusion towards Shion's 'career choice', Nagisa still tried to make conversation with them. Shion knew it was a strange way to make money, but they were good at Duel Monsters, and it was easier than most other jobs.

"He's like 13."


"Like that makes it better?" Nagisa rolled her eyes at the overdramatic theatrics of the teens on screen. "He's the one you would have gone up against if you didn't drop out?"

Shion nodded their head.

"Sorry that I made you rush home for a twisted ankle." Nagisa said with a sad look in her eyes.

"It's not your fault. I didn't give you a chance to explain what happened."

Shion's mind flashed back to a couple of days earlier when they were getting ready for their match with Rex Raptor for a place in the finals. Nagisa had called them. Saying that their mother was hurt in an accident. Before she had a chance to say that everything was fine and she just wanted to let Shion know what happened, the younger sibling was practically out the door. Forfeiting their spot to Rex.

"You doing okay?" Nagisa asked. Hoping that Shion wasn't taking the mishap too hard.

"I'm fine," Shion's eyes drifted to their left. "Ghost, on the other hand."

Shion looked to see the spirit watching the screen. They seemed to be ignoring Shion and Nagisa's conversation.

"I'm not mad if that's what you're trying to imply." Ghost's thoughts rang through Shion's head.

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