•|life no.1. part (1)|•

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There are a lot of things humans don't know , even if you were well educated and read a lot , you can't possibly know everything there is to life but obanai iguro knew one thing women are the worst creatures created in this cursed world they are irresponsible , only work for their benefit and always play the victim he despised them and you might think that his mother and sisters were an exception but no they were what inspired this hatred for women .

His mother was the duchess of a very rich estate that she inherited from his father after he died. She was cruel and cared deeply about her looks , she cared about him only because he was the only male heir that she was able to produce and could be used as a political barging tool to secure the family's power and authority , his sisters were envious of him and wished him the worst always talking about him behind his back and sleeping around with other men even though they were married .

Obanai hated women so why does his heart beat for the pastery chef of the mansion.

Why does he keep staring at her when she isn't looking.

Why does he want to defend her from his mother when she yells at her, and why can't he say her name without smiling like an idiot.


They met when she first arrived at the palace he was taking his daily walk in the garden when he saw her a pink and green haired lady wearing a brown and light blue dress it dropped over her shoulder and reached just above her feet and she didn't seem to be wearing shoes? She was smelling the roses in the bush.

What gives her the right to enter the mansion like she owns the place ?!  He walked up behind her and cleared his throat to get her attention , and just as he was about to confront her he saw

The most beautiful green eyes he's ever seen

"Hello" was that the voice of an angel
normally he wouldn't have responded to a woman but he did to her at least

"Hi" he said

"Are you here to look at the roses too"

"No I am here for a walk"

"Oh well I couldn't blame you the garden is wonderful"

"It is isn't it"

"Well what do you work here ? "

Normally it would be humiliating for a duke to be asked what he worked in his own mansion but he didn't seem to mind as long as they could talk more.

"I own the place"


She bowed her head

" It's alright not everybody knows how I look as I only go out on important matters "

She peaked at him through her hair that had fallen over her head when she bowed

" Does this mean you forgive me "

"Why wouldn't I ?"

" thank god because I really need this job "

" what do you work as ?"

" I am the new pastry chef sir "

" Then what are you doing in the garden? "

Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink and suddenly he was reminded that he was in the presence of an angel

"I_I finished most of the dessert and was on my break when I saw those roses "

She glanced back at the roses and smiled

" There quite beautiful and they smell nice too"

" Why thank you "

" y_your welcome ?"

He chuckled 'that's a first' he thought

"Well I am the one who takes care of them"

"Don't you have some one to take care of them "

"yes he takes care of most of the plants here but I insist on taking caring of these"

"I must say they're very beautiful you have done a great job as expected of the duke"

" We've been talking for awhile yet I never got your name "

" Oh it's_"


" Oh dear "

the lady paled as an angry voice called for her , it was none other than head of the cooks shinobu kochou

" Shinobu_chan I_"

" You're supposed to be helping with the dinner preparations what are you doing here ? "

"Well you see_"

" No I don't wanna hear it let's go the duchess will be very angry if the food wasn't ready "

A sudden cough caught shinobu by surprise

" Oh good afternoon sir please excuse mitsuri she's new "

She said as she bowed

" It's quite alright I'll be taking my leave make sure she stays out of trouble it was me who found her this time be thankful it wasn't my mother"

He walked away calmly

'mitsuri kanjiro' he smiled


• obanai is head over heels for our dear pastry chef

S/N : giyuu is the gardener and obanai wishes he could fire him but he has no reason to

Thank you for reading this story please comment if you want it would mean a lot to me thank you ❤️

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