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november 29th.
today was the first day back at school from thanksgiving break, also our first game day for basketball.
it was a 4:30 game, so i stayed after school to get ready with my team.
our jerseys were maroon with no sleeves. my jersey had a #4 with my last name right above it in white.
my hair was in a ponytail that fell onto my back when i straightened my neck.
our team was warming up in the gym as people were already starting to come in at 4.
i could see noah, millie and sadie on the bleachers already, talking with each other.
i smiled at them as my team and i did our usual warm ups and running/stretching drills.
our coach was talking to us as we all watched the other team warming up.
-"i dont mean to be cocky, but they don't stand a chance tonight. y/n, cora, jara you got the ball right?" he asked, knowing we had the strongest arms on the team.
we all nodded, huddled up.
-"GO RAIDERS!" my team clapped before me and four other players walked out to the court.


the game had been going on for 25 minutes and we were already 27-19. i was checked up by my a teammate from the other team, and i flinched towards my left, making her fall when i threw it to cora to my right and she shot it in the net, missing for the first time that night.
one of the other teammates from the other team grabbed it and started running towards the opposite side of the court.
i ran after her, blocking her shot and grabbing the ball hearing shouts from the bleachers.
the girl i blocked apparently got extremely embarrassed and angry, so she ran in front of me and pushed me to the floor, making it look like an accident.
i heard yelling and "oohs" coming from the bleachers as i fell straight to the ground.
i got straight up and started getting angry and walking towards her, the ref stood in front of me blocking me away from her.
-"THATS A FOUL!!" i heard from the bleachers.
i rolled my eyes, giving the other girl the death glare as we continued into the game.

i had the ball in my hands, getting trapped by 3 other teammates from shooting.
i acted like i was going to run to my right, making a girl trip and fall when i ran to the left.
another girl stood in front of me trying to block me from shooting with her hands up, i threw it to jara while running behind the girl before she passed it back to me.
another teammate stood in front of me trying to block me, so i threw it under her legs and it bounced back up to me when i ran behind her and shot it in the net, making it in.
i heard yelling and clapping from the stands, i looked up towards noah that was laughing and clapping proudly.
i jokingly winked at him and snapped my fingers, pointing to him while skipping backwards to my original position spot.


there was exactly 17 seconds on the buzzer left of the game, my team and i were all huddled up for a talk.
-"we only have about 15 seconds!" sam said.
-"there's not a likely chance on getting the last point."
-"we're 62-62." cora said.
-"i know, cora.. you throw the ball to sam. sam, you get it to me." i said, throwing a bunch of pressure on her.
-"get it to me!" i firmly said before our time was up.
our last few seconds started, cora had the ball and she was starting to throw it to sam, but a teammate from the opposing team grabbed it and started running to the other court.
i started running towards her as fast as i could, surprised myself i could run that fast.
i blocked her from shooting and started running towards the court, knowing i wouldn't make it with 4 seconds left.
i threw it from the middle of the court and everyone from the stands were on the edge of their seat as the buzzer rung and the ball was still in the air.
we all watched anxiously at the ball before it went straight into the net, making my mouth drop.
all of my teammates ran up to me, hyped up and yelling.
we started jumping up and down and skipping with our coach, cheering our mascots name.
i looked up at the stands and saw my friends and boyfriend watching, they each looked so proud which made my world light up.
my team was cheering through the locker room halls as our coach talked to us in there.
-"great job today girls! i loved everything about what happened out there, you did not disappoint me. it really opened my eyes on how good of a team we have based on your sportsmanship and teamwork." he complimented before looking at me.
-"and that was one hell of a shot!" he shrieked, high fiving me before the rest of my team started getting all hyped up again.
-"alright, game tomorrow. it's here and 7:30, be here around 6:00. great job ladies!" he yelled, walking out to let us get changed and such.
all of my teammates were hyping me up all night as we were getting ready to leave.
i slipped on sweatpants and my basketball hoodie while slipping my basketball bag over my back.
my teammates were heading towards the doors when i was stopped my someone pulling my shoulder back.
-"y/n? can we speak?" my school counselor asked.
-"uh, i'll see you guys later!" i yelled at my teammates.
-"see ya, y/n!" most of them yelled as i waved.
i turned back around towards the counselor.
-"first, great job tonight. but will you be showing up to school tomorrow?" she asked.
-"thank you, and yes. why?" i tilted my head.
-"i just wanted to speak to you about something important today but i never saw you, could you come during studyhall?" she asked.
-"of course. is everything okay?"
-"oh yes, i just wanted to speak to you about colleges.. your options and such since you're going to be graduating soon next year." she mentioned.
-"oh okay, is that all?" i ask.
-"yep, you have a good night." she smiled, walking away.
i turned around to start walking out the doors and was scared when my friends jumped behind me, yelling boo.
i yelped, turning around and seeing all three of them laughing at me.
-"i hate you all!" i pushed them.
-"great job!!" sadie yelled, slapping my back.
-"ow!" i mumbled, smiling from the attention.
noah wrapped his arm around me to pull me into a side hug and kissed my forehead.
-"i'm proud of you." he whispered, making my face turn red as we all started walking.
-"you guys are so cute it makes me want to puke." millie giggled.
-"ew?" i commented as noah and i sat in the back of sadie's car as he drove us back home.
noah was texting me on my phone as we were in the car.

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