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it had been almost a full day until the accident with my family, i was in desperate need of all of my things back at home. i didn't want to go back, but i knew i had to. noah insisted to coming with me since i know they wouldn't do anything around him.
we got in the car, i stared into my lap and fidgeted with my hands nervously.
-"hey, there's nothing to worry about. i'll be there with you the entire time." he assured me, pressing his hand on my knee.
i noded my head slowly before he turned in the ignition and started driving across town to my house, where i noticed my parents car in the driveway.
out of all the days they decided to be home, they choose today?
i hesitated to get out of the car, but eventually did.
i walked up to the porch, side by side with noah.
i take the spare key under the matt and unlock the door.
all of my family members were in the living room, not paying attention to us being there at all.
we snuck in and quietly shut the door, assuming they couldn't hear us.
but as soon as we started walking up the stairs, my dad turned around to look at us.
-"y/n! where have you been??" he asked, seemingly stressed.
he had a beer bottle in his hands, which ticked me off even more.
-"we're not staying long." i marked, grabbing noahs hand and walking upstairs faster.
we rushed into my room, i shut the door behind me immediately and he helped me tidy a few of my things into a bag.
i made sure i had my toothbrush, hair brush, chargers, school bag, etc.
he threw me my bag and i carried it over my bag.
-"are we ready?" he asked.
-"yeah, let's go." i sighed, walking in front of him.
i felt his hand on my back as we started walking out of the room and downstairs, to where my brother was waiting for us in the kitchen.
-"what'd i tell you about coming back?" he said as he put out his cigarette in a dirty trey.
he looked at noah, giving him a condescending look. i could tell noah was getting angry by the look on his face.
-"we were just leaving." i shared a fake smile, gently grabbed noah's arm to start walking out.
-"so youre staying with your boyfriend now?" he scoffed.
-"he's not my boyfriend, and that's none of your business." i scoffed, turning around to face him.
-"i'm surprised i'm still seeing him around, from what i've heard, you, the school slut, goes through guys like crazy." he chuckled, walking towards us.
he looked noah dead in the eye, winking at him.
-"it's a small town, people talk." he chuckled.
before i could react, i saw noah punch my brother straight in the face, making him fall back into the wall.
my parents ran over to what was happening after hearing me yell.
my brother picked himself up off the wall, looking at my brother as if he thought he was joking.
before my brother got to do anything, the front door across from the room busted down and a bunch of police officers rushed in.
i watched as a few ran into the living room, and others put my family in cuffs.
i looked at noah with shock and fear.
-"you called them?? we agreed-"
-"no, y/n i swear!" he protested as we watched my brother being dragged out of the house.
my mom looked me dead in the eye, having a look on her face. it was the face she gave when she wanted me to feel bad.
-"y/n! do something!! i love you, help me!!" she begged, crying.
i started to walk towards her, but noah grabbed me and pulled me back, helping me stop myself.
i started feeling tears pouring down my face as i heard her scream for my help, but i didn't want to do anything.
noah pulled me into a hug, noticing the tears in my eyes.
-"it's okay, it's all over." he assured me over and over.
i felt so exhausted from crying, i wanted to stop, but i couldn't.
i wasn't even showing any emotion anymore, just tears.
millie and sadie bursted in, coming out of nowhere.
-"what are you guys doing here??" i ask, wiping my face.
-"y/n, what happened??"
-"we were stopping by because you haven't been answering our cells."
-"what's on your forehead??" millie asked, touching the bandage on the top of my head near my hairline.
-"my brother and i got into a fight, did you guys call the police on them?" i asked, but they both followed up with a no.
if noah didnt, and neither millie or sadie did..
who did?

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