ARC 2: Chapter 33 (A Bonding Relationship)

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Third P.O.V

Poseidon grinds his teeth while scratching his forehead, "It's... I don't know exactly where to start."

"M-Maybe, try starting off with s-something that may have g-gone downhill," Jun-seo suggests.

"... If there's something that has gone downhill... It would've been at the start of my life," Poseidon answered.

"Did something h-happen at that time?"

"... I never got to meet my mom, never once in my life," Said the shark with a meek tone. "But I did see her multiple times in my life... Except that the only time I saw her exist in this world was in the photos, pictures, and holographs."

Jun-seo didn't say anything after what Poseidon told him, waiting for him to finish what he's about to say since it felt apparent to Jun-seo to realize what happened.

"If there was a time where she actually lived in this world, it would be before I was born... I never knew what happened to my mother until I reached the age of 5, where during those five years, I was told lies about my mother. That was when I was given the cold news that my mother died giving birth to me."

Hearing the event that Poseidon described, Jun-seo moves up Poseidon's hand onto his leg and holds him with both of his soft hands. "Your mother will be missed greatly, I don't think she regrets a thing about having you," Jun-seo spoke softly.

"Well... I think that is probably why my father avoids me all the time."

"Hm? Why do you think so?"

"You know... I haven't met my father in a long time. I did in fact MEET him during my first 6 years of life... They're nothing but vague memories, sometimes he would come in person, but most of the time, he would appear through holographs and online... But now things are just reduced to phone calls."

"D-Did he try visiting you again? Or w-was he busy?"

"He always said he was busy. Busy my ass, all he does is talk and send money to me, that's it, nothing else, he doesn't even try to show up in person even on my birthdays and... not even on special events that focus on him, too. I can't even have a proper meeting or conversation with my dad."

"W-Was there anything you can do?"

"I can't. I can't even visit him or do anything, it's like he is trying to shut me off from him. No matter how many accomplishments that he acknowledges me for, I can't get him and me to at least see each other physically... Just for once again..."

"Then who looked after you during your maturing years?"

"The only people that looked after me physically were his trusted staff. They would temporarily visit me for a few hours and make sure that I'm secured... I can't even understand why my father can't even bring his ass over here when they can do that."

"Oh... Is that why you w-want to cut your ties with your d-dad? Because he n-never came over at least once to be with you?" Jun-seo asked with doubt in his voice.

"Actually, I could care less about whether my father tried to visit me or something. Cause what really made me want to cut ties with him would be the fact that I was the cause of my mother's death," Poseidon answered with a bitter tone. "It makes sense all together if you put the fact that my mum died giving birth to me, and the fact that my dad no longer tries to contact me. So that's why I concluded that my father secretly loathes me."

Jun-seo took in Poseidon's words, he thought for a moment before asking another pondering question, "Then why would he try to call you?"

"That's because he's 'pretending.' I already confirmed that fact a long time ago, because every promise that he vowed to fulfill before leaving me alone and phoning me on the line, were nothing but empty promises. And even today, Jun-seo, those memories are still fresh in my head. And I can't help it," Poseidon claimed.

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