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Trevor's POV

Small snores are coming through my phone speaker and Lilly's peaceful face is blessing my screen. We didn't mean to fall asleep on facetime again last night but I guess we did. My alarm woke me up about 5 minutes ago for early morning practice and thankfully it didn't bother Lilly that much. Her face scrunched up like she was mad at something and she let out a sigh. It was one of the most adorable things I've seen. The other being the blush prominent on her cheeks when I kiss her.

"You awake Trev?" My mom's voice calls out quietly from my door and I quickly put myself on mute.

"Yeah I'll get up in a minute"

"Have a late night again?" She asks and I'm immediately confused.

"You think I didn't notice you smiling at your phone all day and laughing in here after you say you're going to bed. Is it the girl from the tournament, Lilly?"

"I actually didn't think you noticed and yeah it's Lilly" I didn't think I was being that obvious but looking back I can definitely see it.

"Good, she seems like a very sweet girl, you treat each other right then I approve"

"Thank you mom"

"You're welcome, now get up you're gonna be late."


"Yo Trev what's up?" Colin, the school's biggest jerk walks up to me which surprises me considering he's never talked to me before.

"Not much" I answer back short to try and get this conversation over with faster. I really just want to get to lunch. I have to ask Maria if she's heard from Lilly at all. I hung up earlier to go to school and I haven't heard from her since.

"Who was that girl from Caleb's post, I haven't seen her before"

"Oh uh yeah I met her at a hockey tournament this weekend. Her name is Lilly, why?" I know the post he was talking about. It was a picture Caleb took off all of us in Maria's basement. Lilly is curled into my side sleeping peacefully and I'm giving a big thumbs up to the camera. I don't know why Colin would care.

"She looks hot maybe after you hit you could pass her onto me" My jaw immediately clenches and I really want to knock this fucker out. It's now that Quinn decides to run over, probably seeing the conversation and sensing the tension. She's always been good at that.

"Hey T we're all waiting for you in the cafeteria" Colin gives her a dirty look as he drags his eyes over her body and I want even more to hit him. Hell if Jackson was here he would already be on the floor. She tugs on my sleeve trying to get me to leave.

"What you fucking this one too Zegras?"

"How about you shut your goddamn mouth" I use my strength from hockey to grab the collar of his stupid polo shirt and push him into the lockers.

"And learn how to fucking respect a women" The words are yelled from my mouth as I give him one last shove before following Quinn into the cafeteria and to our usual table.

"Woah what's wrong with you" Jackson asks immediately

"Colin saying stupid shit" I grit out not wanting to tell him everything, because I know he'll be mad.

"What'd he say?" It's now Caleb asking. I look at Quinn and she nods her head.

"Stuff about Lilly and Quinn '' Jackson's body tenses and his face gets red. Quinn is quick to move next to him, rubbing her hand across his back . I wish Lilly was here to do that for me. I could really use that right about now. I could use anything from Lilly right now.

"He said how I should hand Lilly over to him after I'm done with her. I mean what kind of asshole do you have to be to say that. Treating her like she's a fucking plastic waterbottle that's just disposable" I rant to anyone within earshot.

"And then he had the fucking nerve to ask if I was "doing" Quinn too, I hate that guy and it's the first conversation I've had with him!"

"Just ignore him buddy, he's not worth it. You too Jackson, what he said pisses me off so much and I know it makes you even madder but beating his head in isn't gonna help anything." Caleb speaks up and I know he's right but I still think it would do me a lot of good to see that dick in pain.

"Maria, have you talked to Lilly at all today?" I ask, suddenly remembering what I've been wanting to do since first period after she didn't answer my text or call.

"No I haven't I figured you were taking all her attention. I know she has class at 10 so she should be awake." Then why hasn't she answered me? We've been talking nonstop. Did I do something? I don't think I did. I check my phone once more before deciding I'm going to go into the bathroom to call her.

"I'll be right back" I announce and get multiple ok's thrown back at me. When I make it down the long hallway and to the quiet bathroom I quickly pull up Lilly's contact and hit the call button. It rings four times before she picks up.

"Hey" I speak first but there's now answer.

"Flower?" She still doesn't speak but I can hear a quiet sniffle in the background.

"Are you crying?" I ask softening the tone of my voice.

"Maybe" Her voice sounds hoarse and tired almost like it's the first word she's spoken today.

"What's wrong?" A couple more sniffles and a deep breath come through my phone speaker.

"Just stuck in my own thoughts" I didn't expect her to answer and it throws me off completely.

"You want to talk-" She cuts me off mid sentence with a quiet sob.

"Not really" I swear my heart breaks into a million pieces just hearing how much pain she's in.


"Can you maybe just stay on the phone with me. Or wait no your in school shit I'm sorry"

"No, that is completely ok, I'm more worried about you than geometry" That draws a tiny giggle from her and I feel accomplished.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know"

"Ok" No more words are said as we fall into a comfortable silence. I can hear her breathing even out and eventually small snores. I decide I don't want to be in school anymore and skillfully make my way to my car texting the group chat to let them know I won't be back. I would do anything for this girl even if that means skipping more school than I probably should and getting in trouble with my parents. It's worth it for her.

The Hockey Game ~ Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now