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"Wake up Lil!" Sierra screams in my ear, it takes everything in me to not punch her in fear. I look out the window to my left and see a big building with a sign that reads Red Roof Inn. I'm guessing this is the hotel. It looks really cozy and welcoming. Maybe I can just stay here for the weekend.

"We're gonna drop our bags off and then head to the rink, the rest of the team should be there and you guys are gonna have a scrimmage today" Dad speaks to Jacob, who is definitely only partly listening and will have to be reminded again later.

"Lil hold my hand" Sierra jumps out of the car after I take hold of her small hand, and we start into the little reception office. It's much warmer in here and there's a cute old lady working the desk.

"Alright thank you" I'm handed a room key as we all shuffle out the door.

"You and Jacob have your own room, since we figured you wouldn't want to wake up to a crying toddler in the middle of the night" Oh thank god

"Thank you mom" We find our room and throw our bags inside, Jacob claims the bed near the window like the ass he is, and we both are shuffled out to the car again.

"You have everything Jacob?"


"Are you sure!" Dad repeats knowing Jacob is one to forget things

"Yes Dad, I'm sure!"


There is so many people here it's crazy, I've never been to a tournament with this many people for any sport. Mom explained there's a bunch of scout's here so a lot of people came. I've been stared down by a few mean looking girls, apparently there's something wrong with my sweatpants and hoodie, I honestly didn't know we were at a fashion show.

"Lil look at that guy, he's pretty" Sierra is such a flirt, the complete opposite of me. She's not scared of anyone, she will walk up to someone and tell them exactly how she feels. Apparently mom and dad are working on it.

"Can we go talk to him?" I'm sorry?

"No way Sierra, come on let's go sit with mom and dad. You got your candy?" With a nod and a little dance we're headed up the bleachers to mom and dad. Where dad is currently standing up looking very stressed.

"I thought this was a scrimmage?" I asked mom while Sierra climbed onto her lap.

"It is your father just takes it way too seriously. Elijah, will you sit down please!"

"Honey it's not my fault the refs are fucking blind"

"Fuck" Sierra speaks up

"Elijah I am going to kill you!" At that he sits down and starts lecturing Sierra on why we can't say bad words in front of mom. And at that he gets a smack upside the head. I feel my phone vibrate and pull it out hoping it's not another instagram post calling me a slut.


Hey Bitch, you meet any hot guys yet?

Anna is my best friend, we've been inseparable since preschool. She has stuck with me through it all, and I love her for it. I respond saying no, and that I look like a bum anway, but as always she tells me I'm a "hot motherfucker" and "any guy would be fucking lucky to have you" Basically she's my rock and I wouldn't be here without her.

"Lil that guy keeps looking at you" I look where she is ever so rudely pointing and see the hottest guy I've ever laid eyes on, he had a huge smile on his face making his eyes close the tiniest bit, but I could still see the bright green shining through. Oh shit I'm staring! Look away!

"You should go talk to him honey" Mom encourages me with a nudge to my shoulder.

"Absolutely not mom!" Is she kidding?! He probably wasn't even looking at me, and even if he was I am NOT going over there. Hes surrounded by who I'm guessing are his friends or teammates

"Sweetie, we are 2 hours from home, get out of your comfort zone" She continues to encourage me. Should I? Nope.

"Not happening mom"

"Ok hunny" She finally gives up, and turns back to the game.


"You did a great job today kid" Jacob's coach praises him, they won the scrimmage and now we're standing out in the cold parking lot while our parents converse with everyone and anyone they can. To make it worse I didn't bring a jacket and I'm only wearing a hoodie in 20° weather, and it's not cutting it. My thinking is cut off by loud voices approaching us.

"Lil come here" Sierra makes a come here sign with her fingers signaling me to bend down to her level.

"That's the cute guy that was lookin at you" This kid is really trying to set me up today huh.

"I told you Sierra it's not happening, ok?"

"Well that might be hard he's coming this way" My entire body freezes up when I hear the boy greet Coach Gretsky.

"Sierra I don't want a peep out of you. Got it?" With a quick shake of her head she zips her lips and stands straight up. I guess I failed to mention she shouldn't stare directly at him because that's what she's doing right now.

"Lisa, Elijah, this is Trevor Zegras his dad is an old friend of mine, and not to give him an even bigger ego, but he is very good at his sport" I think Jacob is starstruck right now, am I the only one who had no idea who this is? I throw my shoulder into Jacob's head and he finally snaps out of his trance.

"Hi, I've uh seen you on instagram before. Your really good" Way to be cool Jacob.

"Thanks bud. From what I've seen so far you're not so bad yourself" If we weren't in public I think my brother might've fainted right there, but he kept it together so far.

"Hi Trevor, I'm Lisa, this is my husband Elijah, and this is Lilly and Sierra" Mom points to all of us as she introduces us. I try to hide myself behind Sierra, still kneeling down to her level but the little twerp moves right out of the way. I throw a quick wave and a smile, and excuse myself from the conversation. Walking to the back of the car and sitting in the trunk.

"So I found one of those hot guys you were talking about. I'm currently hiding from him and my family" I quickly send the text off to Anna, and put my phone down.

I hear the goodbyes of my family and throw myself over the back seat ready to get back to the hotel and sleep.

The Hockey Game ~ Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now