Groaning, I push myself from bed, running my hands through my hair.

Ark isn't guarding me tonight, I don't think. I should be safe to get some air and think about what I'm going to do next.

Grabbing the knife Ark doesn't know I stole from the training room, I tuck it into my jacket pocket and slip from the room.

If he decides to ruin my quiet time, I'll let him know how serious I am.

Sure enough, Jack is sleeping outside my door, not stirring as I tentatively step past him and pad down the hallway.

The entire place is drenched in darkness, with only the reflection of the moon on the snow outside that streams through the windows lighting the way.

I'm tempted to go out the front door this evening. It feels like a dig at my father and his imposing rules.

Half way down the stares, something stops me.

Someone...Ark, is walking through the foyer and down the main hallway.

My blood goes cold.

I should go back to my room. He's probably just doing a sweep of the house before he gets some sleep...but what if he doesn't?

Wincing, I stride down the rest of the stairs, deciding that if I'm going to regret something tonight, it's going to be following him, and not sitting up in my room regretting not doing so.

I catch sight of him just as he turns off from the main hallway, heading down toward the staff wing.

He could be doing any manner of things right now, which are all entirely innocent, and I'm following him. He may even be going down to seduce one of the staff...

He's allowed to - he doesn't have to follow any rules like I do.

Eventually I follow him through the darkness, entering a part of the house I don't usually go. The corridors are narrower, made for staff only, and not much is familiar to me.

So when Ark cuts off through a door, I have no idea where he is heading.

I pause at the threshold, watching his back as he does down a flight of steps, not bothering to turn any light on to guide in.

I draw in a breath. Something doesn't feel right

Bracing my hands against the wall, I follow him down the stairs, keeping my footsteps as light as possible. Gently, I pull the knife from my pocket, deciding I want to scare him, maybe get some answers out of him.

In the darkness, he pauses, turning his head slightly.

I rush at him, knife in hand.

As I expected, he grabs my wrist before I can get close enough to risk slashing him. With his whole body weight, he pushes me back until I hit a concrete wall, my breath gasping out of me.

I yelp, turning my head away from his wild gaze. He looks genuinely shocked. Not scared, but shocked.


"What in the world are you doing?" I question, pushing him off me.

I rub my wrists. I know he's strong, that he's a bred killer, but his intensity unnerves me every time.

He kicks my weapon that he knocked from my hand onto the floor. "You were the one attacking me with a knife."

"I wanted to scare you. I wanted to see what you would do," I admit with a shrug. I wasn't going to hurt him, and I knew he would react before I got close...but I wanted to see what I was capable of doing to him.

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