SCP X Child Reader (REQUESTED)

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This is platonic, dont get yourself confuse.

Scp 035:

-'They good with kids, but don't let them babysit them"~

-He is good kids, but bad a babysitting them.

-One time he left in the middle of breach thinking you were behind him.

-He hella freak out when he turned around and didn't see you.

-But a good think is that he is really protective of you and othe scp kids too.

-When he expires from a host he worries and tries to hurry you up to get a host because he really is scared something happening to you and not being able to protect you.

-He is also a bit of a bad influence, he does stuff like curse infront of you which some of the foundation members dont like even though some of them do the same thing + plus sometimes treat you really shitty.

-They kinda have like mood swings too sometimes, so there will be times that he doesn't feel in the mood of you either being around them, or not wanting to play with you or just someone to listen to him.

-This doesn't happen a lot cuz you guys don't see each other a lot, but it rarely happens.

-But still he is okey.

Scp 049:

-Now, he is great with kids, but his problem is that he cannot control himself around you or other scp kids.

-If you are immortal or you can regenerate you are fine, but if you are not then you are not safe with him.

-Don't get me wrong he is really good with kids, but also cannot take care of them.

-He ks like 035 they spend some time with you, but can't stay long or babysit you.

-Let's remember he goes crazy the moment someone, sniff, cough, sneeze, etc... And even if fall down and you are still fine he chases after.

-Because he thinks something is wrong, and he needs to fix it, to cure it and he won't stop himself on doing so.

-He will do it, he will try to fix you, but when he realizes he cannot do it himself he breaks down.

-He sits in a corner crying because he did something bad to you he hurted you and it was the first time he did it.

-He knows it isn't good and he feels bad about it.

-Even if he harms you he still apologizes about it.

-He is good with kids, he is also protective in a breach he would never leave you alone, might even lock you in his cell with him and other scp kids so nothing bad happens.

-Overall he is good with kids, but cannot babysits them cuz he harms them.

Scp 073:

-He is good kids and a good babysitter.

-If you dont like vegetables you can purposely go near him and say  that they got rotten.

-He reads books to all of you.

-Sometimes he lets all of you go out for a walk around the facility.

-He keeps yall save too in case of a breach.

-But his bad thing is that he cannot always be there for you.

-You see even if Cain takes care of you, looks out for you, but he is never there, he is a busy man, cuz he does a lot of favors for the foundation to the point that your meetings end that you guys have.

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