Reader Had A Pencil Cult

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-He is sooo fucking confused, bit he is supportive

-He will watch do 'rituals' or 'sacrifies'

-He secretly staring to think you are going insane from the inside

-He will bring objects that are helpful for your cult

-He will probably join but there's is a change that he wont

-He would ask you how did you started with this idea lf a cult

-When you tell him he has no reaction

-He really does not know what do say but will be happy to help in the future


-Will definitely ask you why did you created a pencil cult

-Definitely thinks you have lost your mind

-He probabily will think you are not okey

-Don't even get him started with the candles

-He does feel uncomfortable and confuse for what is going on

-He is a supportive though just not so convice

-He won't join the cult

-But will participate in rituals or sacrifices


-If this cults helps him god to forvige him he is in

-N̶o̶ h̶e̶ i̶s̶ n̶o̶t̶, y̶o̶u̶ f̶o̶r̶c̶e̶ h̶i̶m̶

-He rarely brings you objects

-He used to watch you doing rituals until one of the objects came flying and towards him hit him in the eye

-That's how he met who you were praying to

-One week later he might get out

-We don't hold a grudge to him

-Though he is now a bit afraid of what is going on

-Has no idea what is going on nor does care

-will secretly bring you objects

-If he sees you doing a sacrifices will secretly watch until he gets caught and leaves

-He might ask you why are you doing a cult of pencil

-Its either you who accidentally stab him or him accidentally stab you or both

-If you wsnt him to join you will have to fight him until he looses

-If he joins he will be a good finder i mean if you want an object or something he will find it

-Rarely will participate

-Definitely does not care and does

-Does not want to be involves

-You will involve him on it anyway

-If you keep bothering him about it he will destroy your pencils

-He could be good at bringing victims cof cof sacrifice cof cof

-If someone is destroying or disrespecting your cult they wont wake up

-He wouldn't like the idea of 053/Abby joining the cult

-He will definitely see the demon

Dr. Bright:
-Will definitely Join

-He is really supportive

-This goofy motherfucker will improve your cult by bringing objects and new rituals

-Until it turn into a scp (💀)

-He will apologize

-Though will neutralized it

-If you two get bored you can still make another cult

-In which it will ended up in bright making a chaos

Dr. Clef :
-He is confidently confuse but supportive

-Your olace to start rutials is in the girls bathroom

-And you two will also grab each others hand and

-239 is ban from the cult and she ks consider as a villain or bad to your cult

-166 will join but will not know it Clef join her

-Will use the cult to skip, hide or run from his work

-Once he bought cookies made out of dirt

-Another he bought a snake and you two made it silver

Dr. Kondraki:
-Will take pictures of you making rituals or Sacrifice

-Definitely will not participate in ritual

-Though will watch you doing it

-Until he runs his ass away from the Demon

-He decides he will yeet the demons ass to show you how strong he is

-He ended up putting you in the hospital and a ban from the Goverment of China

-This abventure took 1 months to end

-Now you two are ban from any pencil or objects to make a cult out of

Dr. Simon

-Will definitely ask you why did you created a cult about pencils

-At this point i don't think he actually thinks you are doing well

-He is supportive however does not want to get involve

-And that's how you force him to join

-He is a people pleaser so he agrees to join

-He brings objects to the rituals

-Everything was fine until he saw the demon

-He run away his ass out with you

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