Chapter Twenty-Six: Here We Go Again

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Adam figured out where he was on the ship and headed for the cell block, recalling everything Eric had mentioned about his and Sam's visit with Malcolm. He took a few turns, a couple flights of stairs, and found himself in front of the metal door that would take him to the most dangerous place on the ship.

Adam opened the door with a little more force than necessary, sending it smacking into the wall with a loud clang. He winced. No turning back now. His legs reluctantly carried him down the hall.

Malcolm stood in the middle of his cell, peering at a book lying open on his cot while he patted his hair dry with a towel. He was dressed in a plain black shirt and pants, apparently uninterested in disproving the idea that he only wore black.

"Another check-in?" Malcolm asked. "You were here half an hour ago—" He turned, and his gold eyes found Adam. "Oh. You." He raised an eyebrow. "Why are you here?"

"I—" Adam cleared his throat. "Eric and Sam said they talked to you, and—"

"They did?" Malcolm asked. "It sounded to me like they wanted to keep our conversation to themselves."

"Well, Eric only told me," Adam said. "He asked me not to mention it to anyone else."

Malcolm tossed the towel onto the bed and ran a hand through his damp hair. "So, why did you come, then?"

"I guess I was...curious."

"Well, I'm not a zoo animal here for you altered to come gawk at. Though, I suppose I can't blame you." Malcolm moved from the center of the cell toward the bars, picking a spot next to the wall to stand. "I'm sure I'm the most interesting person here."

Most annoying, more like.

"And the fragment might be playing a role," Malcolm added.

Adam frowned. "What?"

"Do you know where they're keeping it?"

"I'm not telling you that."

"You don't know, do you?"

Instead of admitting he didn't—or lying—Adam asked, "What's the big deal with the fragment anyway? You and Scorpion and SCI and Willow are all obsessed—"

"Willow?" Malcolm asked, lifting an eyebrow. "Oh, Willow West? I don't believe I met her."

Eyes narrowing, Adam asked, "Do you know every altered's name?"

"Heavens no. Just the interesting ones." Malcolm waved a hand. "You're lucky I remember your name. I mainly know you as Eric's brother."

Ouch. The comment itself didn't bother Adam too much, but it did remind him of annoyed remarks Eric had made in the past. Was this how Eric felt when people looked at him and saw his brother from the football team? Or the guy who played piano at the talent show?

Malcolm didn't give Adam a chance to dwell on his thoughts. He folded his arms and leaned against the wall. "Anyway, I assume you had a specific question for me in mind? If you're here to pester me about Eric's kidnapping, then I'm afraid I have nothing to give you that I didn't already tell him."

"I don't believe you, but that's not why I'm here," Adam said.

"Maybe you're smarter than you seem," Malcolm said with a smirk. "So, why are you here?"

Adam's hands tightened at his sides. "I've been having nightmares about the collapse at Delta Labs."

"You and everyone else, I'm sure."

"Yeah," Adam said. "We all watched our home get destroyed. Listen, you said you wouldn't give us information. But maybe if you help us in other ways, the Newmans will be more willing to let you out."

The Pyramid Chronicles: Fortuna Guard (#2) [MOVING JUNE 30]Where stories live. Discover now