||basically PE||

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Heyyy Author here, so I'm on a trip to turkey and can't really go write this chapter so I'll take this easy in the next chapter.

(Cause my mom doesn't want me to get on the phone during our vacation)

Oh and thx so much for almost 30K reads on my first book btw TYSMMM!! 🥹🙏

*Xiao's POV*

My new neighbor Aether was a nice student. But he seems soo..

So annoying.

I realized that it was class time again when everyone started walking inside the school again. "Huh? What was I doing again..?" I shrugged my shoulders and walked inside with other students.

When I was about to enter my classroom again, someone grabbed my wrist and stopped me. "Hey! We have PE now, let's go." It was Aether.

"Tch! Let go of my hand." I snatched my hand away from him and walked away. He giggled. That's the way outside the school gates."

I quickly turned around to the other side and awkwardly continued my way to PE. "Hey, you  could ask me for directions you know?" He walked beside me and raised an eyebrow.

Aether: "after all you're new here."

Xiao: "no thanks! I can find them myself."

Aether: "Haha, okay then."

I entered the big sports hall and it was pretty fascinating I gotta say. "Want me to show you around?" He smiled at me.

Xiao: "shut up, leave me alone. Do your own stuff and stop treating me like a kid."

He first looked at me, then rolled his eyes and grabbed his PE stuff. "Geez, I was just trying to help.." he walked away and entered in the changing room.

Finally some peace...

But I grabbed a second thought. Maybe I was a little too harsh on him. I shrugged my shoulders and pushed my thoughts aside.

I gotta do PE first. A tall woman stepped in the hall with a whistle on her hand. "Hello Class, Mrs. Beidou here. Today let's to 10 laps, 10 push ups and 10 sit ups." She clapped her hands.

Mrs. Beidou: "Go ahead and start off with the laps class."

When everyone stood up, she walked towards me. "Hello little one, you must be Xiao Alatus Li? Nice to meet you."

She raised a hand infront of me.

Xiao: "u-uh hi.."

I awkwardly said and did the laps. That was so awkward... I cracked my fingers and neck to start running and sprinting.

When I nearly finished the push ups, Mrs. Beidou yelled: "Y'all do sit ups with a partner I'm talking to Mrs. Ningguang for a sec."

She called on her phone and walked out of the hall. I observed my new classmates picking their partners.

I helplessly looked around shocked seeing everyone grab their partners hands and started doing the sit ups.

Before I could move to someone, my eyes caught up to Aether. He was happily talking to a dark blue haired guy.

My hands turned into a fist. Isn't he supposed to help me since I'm the new student? I sighed.

I yelled at him for leaving me alone anyways. But when I was going to approach a blue haired girl he snatched my hand.

"What's wrong? Too shy to ask me?" He chuckled. My face immediately turned red.

Xiao: "W-What?! No!"

Aether: "Aw come on, you don't think I'm that stupid to realize am I?"

Xiao: "..."

He looked back at his friend. "Go do with Albedo or something, I'll do with the new student." He pointed at a blonde ponytailed boy standing.

Then Aether turned back to me. "Ready? I'll start exercise." I nodded silent and watch him lay down to the ground.

I then pinned his shoes with my hands and watch him go back up and down. I saw him out of breath and was panting.

A lewd pant.

Now it was stuck in my ear unexpectedly. "Done in 16s. Now new kid, show me what you got." He giggled and carefully pushed me down to the ground.

Xiao: "I can lay down myself."

He just ignored me and crawled towards me. Then, instead of pinning my shoes with his hands, he sat on it. "What the-"

Aether: "come on, start."

I couldn't concentrate like this. "I'll stick with it." I whispered to myself and tried to concentrate my sit ups.

After the warm ups, we played a little basketball and we're ready to go to next class.

After school

The urge to lay in bed and sleep is what I really wanted to do. Suddenly I sensed a guy behind me.

Aether: "Hey."

Xiao: "hm?"

He patted my shoulder.

Aether: "you did good today, keep this up."

He walked away like it was nothing. Then he caught a glimpse at me the last time. He gave me a wink and smiled. Then he disappeared out my sight.

I smiled lightly but quickly brushed it off. No time to think of Aether. I want to go home and rest.


&lt;||The Act||&gt; Xiao X AetherOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant