||cute yet annoying||

439 16 5

*Xiao's POV*
12 years later

"Dad, I'm going to school now." I swung my backpack and opened the door to leave but my dad held me back.

-Today is the first day of school after changing schools. Let's hope I don't get bullied again. At least that's what my dad says.-

"Wait, Xiao take this extra sandwich." He handed me a sandwich with salad and cheese. I groaned and pushed the sandwich back away. "N-No.. not necessary."

He giggled soft "ahah! In case you get hungrier." I declined his offer but eventually sighed. He really can't change his mind. I rolled my eyes and turned my back around to let him stuff the snack in my backpack.

"Alright.. see you dad." I waved at him and took the school bus. When I entered the bus, I looked around and see new faces.

No, not the time to make friends. Well not in here. I walked to the back and sat there quietly and slowly seeing the bus filled up with more and more students.

Once I've sawn the new big school I didn't realize how excited I kind of was. I fixed my hair before I could get off the bus and looked at the school.

"Maybe this won't be too bad." I walked in the gates and excepted a bunch of people talking and chatting. "Holy.."

I should head to class early. I sneaked past 3 guys and ran into a class room: "3B."

"Oh, hello there comrade! You must be Xiao Alatus Li, am I correct?" A ginger haired guy walked towards me. I nodded quietly and took out my books.

"Oh- uhm.. heyy, since it's your first day, no need to do school work." He awkwardly said.
I raised my eyebrows confused. "Isn't that what schools for? Work?"

"Well, since it's your first day.."

I shrugged my shoulders helpless and stuffed my things back in my pack. "Oh! Anyways, the names Mr. Childe." We walked back and sat on his desk.

It was an awkward silence. I was the only student who was alone with Mr. Childe

The silent broke when he suddenly spoke:

Mr. Childe : well.. are you sure you want to sit in the back? You're going to sit beside a popular artist guy and I don't think he's the perfect seat neighbor for you."

Xiao: "oh?"

Mr. Childe: "I'm just saying."

Before I could switch seats, I already heard students rushing in the classroom and it would be embarrassing if I switched seats.

???: "did you hear? There will be a new student in our class!"

??: " no way really? I hope he's in our class!"

I awkwardly pretended I didn't hear it and waited for class to start. Then I slowly saw my neighbor sit beside me and smiled.

"Are you the new student everyone's talking about? Mind introducing you to me?" I didn't know what to say. "Uhh.."

Luckily the bell rung and everybody gave attention to Mr. Childe. "Good morning class 3B."

"Good morning Mr."

"So class, today we have a new student attending here in our class." He slowly looked at me and smiled light. Eyes immediately were on me and I awkwardly looked at my desk.

"Yea, that's right my new neighbor!"
My neighbor wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

Everyone laughed.

I tried to hide my fluster from everyone and gave him a somehow serious look. "What the hell am I doing.."

"Aether, not fair! I want to change neighbors."

The blonde guy giggled. "Hehe~."

Xiao: "that's something special?"

Everyone laughed. "No, not really. It's just surprising that an emo is in our class." Aether touched my hair.

"S-Stop touching my hair!" I removed his hands from me. "Alright, we'll enough teasing. Go on, introduce yourself.

I awkwardly stand up and spoke. "Erm.. name's Xiao Alatus Li, I'm 16 and yea.."
I awkwardly tried to smile but ended up sitting back.

"Nice having you here Xiao, so everyone let's start with a new theme, so I'll draw it on the board..."

When I tried to focus on Mr. Childe I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned to my neighbor cold. "What?"

"Sorry about that.. I just like joking around that's all. My name is Aether." He handed me his hand to shake it.

I just looked at his hand confused and turned back. "Whatever." He has such a shy and cute voice but an annoying joking personality.

After class, when I wanted to take my lunch out, I accidentally dropped my pen from trying to take my lunch out.

Just as I wanted to pick it up, Aether grabbed it before me and gave it to me with a warm smile. "Here!" I angrily snatched it away from him and ran away.

I didn't know where to go so I just went downstairs waiting to approach a school yard.

Just as I was about to eat my lunch, I saw Aether running towards me. "Heyyyy! Sorry again for the trouble but.. have you seen a person with pink hair running crazy ?"

I rolled my eyes. "You came to the wrong person. I'm fucking new here." I took a bite of my lunch and ignored him. "Yea.. thanks then."

He walked away asking other students. Who is he looking for anyway? I kept staring at him as if I had nothing else to do.

Words: 904


<||The Act||> Xiao X AetherWhere stories live. Discover now