Addison found where she belongs

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Me and Zed ran over to the aliens who were about to go onstage. "Wait! Stop!" I shouted.

"Y/N? Zed? What are you doing?"

"Z-patrol is outside waiting for you. If you go onstage, they'll do anything they can to stop you."

"So will you come with us?"

They looked at each other for a split second then turned to us. They nodded and we ran off to the side. As we were running, I kept trying to talk to A-lan, but it's hard when in a big group and running for your lives. We heard them say that the aliens were disqualified and in our hurry, I missed most of Seabrook's cheer routine. All I saw was Addison landing her little Lindy move perfectly. I smiled.

I know she'll find where she belongs. Eventually.

Seabrook won and Zed was so happy. I guess if we won he assumed Addison landed her move. He was right. She did it perfectly. Suddenly commotion and Addison ran off with the trophy. She came to a stop near us and gave the trophy to the aliens. A bit of accusing later, Addison showed her true alien form. "I told you that you'd find where you belonged!" I said as Addison turned to look at me and smiled. But then... "The coordinates are not on the trophy." My spirits fell.

"Mom, grandma was an alien!" Addison said to her mom, oblivious to the fact that the coordinates were nowhere to be found. Unconsciously I began to walk over to the aliens. I moved away from Addison so her and her mom could have their moment.

As they were talking about, well, stuff, I was right next to A-lan. "My answer is yes," I whispered in his ear. He immediately perked up as he looked at me. "Seriously?" I nodded. He was smiling and I was too. I couldn't help it. I stood right in front of him as he put his arms around my waist, interlocking his fingers.

"The map isn't a what, it's a who."

Addison held her hand up and A-spen scanned it. "It's a match!" I was overjoyed! They found their map! I looked up at A-lan and he looked down at me. We smiled at each other.

Before I knew it, it was the next morning. The aliens had spent all night trying to repair their ship. Well, almost all night. At nearly midnight, A-lan took a break and pulled me along toom I had wanted to spend time with him, so I was up in the ship too. We beamed down and he pulled me along to the coach's fro-yo place. I ordered a blended brains, which was fancy for basically just pink marshmallow, while A-lan ordered a cotton candy.

His response was "It's blue, like our stardust connection!" I laughed. He had a goofy smile on his face.

We got our orders and sat down outside on a bench. There was nobody to be seen. "Oh I am so going to regret this tomorrow. I'm going to be so tired!" I said, knowing I wouldn't regret it in the slightest. A-lan laughed and began to try his fro-yo. "Ali was right. This is impressive!" Then it was my turn to laugh. We sat there for a while and just talked. I wanted to tell him. I really did. I just couldn't bring it up.

I don't know when I'll tell him I'm actually from his planet. Eventually, I guess.

The next morning, the four of us, A-spen, A-li, A-lan, and, well, me, beamed down from the mothership to see Addison, packed and ready to leave. The cheer squad had come to see her off, and so had Zed. "I'm coming with you!" He exclaimed.

"I am sorry. You cannot." A-spen said.

"You do not share our connection with stardust. You would be fried in a minute." A-li added.

A-lan looked like he had come to a big realization as he looked at me. "You cannot come with us." I smiled sadly.

"Yeah, I can't."

I guess I'll never tell him.

"Critical systems failure!" The mothership wailed.

"We must leave, now."

I nodded. "You have to go." A-lan looked heartbroken then we heard a howl.


"We'll let you borrow our moonstone."

Everyone was so happy! People were seriously jumping up and down in joy.

"Mothership, beam all of us up!"

A lot of running around. Wires everywhere. Stardust and moonstone. After a bit, they had everything hooked up.

"We need an organic connector between the moonstone and the reactor. The moonstone is harmful to us aliens, but the stardust is harmful to everyone else who isn't one of us. An alien. Addison, you will be our living bridge. Can you do it?" A-lan asked.

Addison nodded. She grabbed one end, then the other. After a bit of her struggling, she dropped one end.

"I can't! It's too much power!"

Without a second thought, I ran over to her, my wig flying off in the process. My long blue hair tumbled down my back as I pulled the end from Addison's hand and I grabbed the other end. I held onto them tight, but I couldn't stop a whimper or two. It really did hurt. Badly. My eyes were shut tight. The power connection was reestablished. All the lights turned on and I fell to my knees. My vision was blurring in and out but I saw A-lan standing over me.

"You... you did it. And you're one of us?"

"It's a long story." I said.

He smiled. "I can't go with you. My home is Zombietown not your utopia."

He nodded. "I understand. You want to stay and I can't change your mind."

"I'm sorry." I said.

"If you are to leave, you must go now." He said, turning away from me. I stood up and handed him a paper.

"It's my backstory. Read it, please."

Before I could see his reaction I turned and ran.

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