And now we're here

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A bit later, after the whole A-spen crush situation, and me almost being late, we were all standing in the spaceship, trying to do... something. Still not sure what. It was mostly them doing stuff on their control panel and me standing there, answering questions about the moonstone. Suddenly I felt someone. That's it. Just someone. I said I would be back and left to see who it was. "Addison?" She screamed and tried to punch me as I ducked, then tried again and I dodged. Again. "Sorry. Reflexes. Who're you again?" I sighed. Of course.




Just as I told her my name, the aliens thought there was a trespasser so they came to find out who it was. They were surprised to find Addison standing there, trying to hide behind my frame. But I'm not Zed, everyone could see her. Hiding spot fail.

"Mothership beamed you up?"

Addison quickly nodded. They looked at me and I raised my arms. "Don't look at me I don't know why she got up here!" They all nodded in agreement and walked back over to their control panel.

"Don't touch that!" Addison had touched a control orb. She backed up as A-li shouted "That is highly sensitive alien tech!" A-lan looked at her, sending here a warning glare. She took a deep breath. "Awoo." A-lan then said "You," pointing at me. I pointed at myself, confused. He nodded.

"May you come with me so we can speak privately?"


We walked into a different room and A-lan closed the door behind us. However, I trusted the aliens completely. I knew he wasn't going to do anything crazy. I looked at him as he took a deep breath. "A-spen told me about a human crush. When you 'like-like' someone. A bit surprised, I nodded. "Okay. What does that have to do with me?"

"I think I have a crush."

My eyes widened. "Really? That's great!" However, I felt my heart begin to sink. As much as I hate admitting anything, I was pretty sure I had a crush on the guy. "Who is it?"

"I cannot tell you."


"I just cannot. Will you help me so I can be with her?"

I nodded. A bit sad he couldn't tell me, and a bit sad because he liked someone else. But I was still going to help him out. "You should give her flowers. But make sure she knows it's from you. That's step one. When you're done with that, ask me for step two."

"Please, tell me step two now, so I will be a step ahead. Like I always am."

I sighed. "Just ask her out. Ask her if she wants to go get dinner, or fro-yo, or something."

"And this is step two out of?"

"There's just the two steps. You can ask her to be your girlfriend, but you should probably wait until after the first date for that."

After a second of thinking he said "Indeed." and opened the door so we could head back to the others. However, when we got back, A-spen came up to me. "I have been doing research. Couples can grow apart." I was confused and furrowed my eyebrows. "We're not a couple?"

"No." She said sadly.

"I am breaking up with you Y/N. If you need to cry, you may use my sleeve."

"Okay. That was out of the ordinary. However, how's repairing the scout's log going?" I asked, desperate to change the topic. It didn't help that the whole time Addison was laughing silently in the back. She probably knew I never had a love life."We've been stuck at 97 percent for a while now."

"Have you tried banging it? It always works when my old TV's on the fritz."

"Again, this is highly sensitive alien tech! It won't work just by banging it!"

So I hit the control board.

"Ouch!" The mothership shouted.

"That seems to have worked." A-li said, moving two control orbs.

Everything from here on is a huge blur, but this is mainly what I got from it. Addison's grandmother was the scout, Addison's part alien and that's why she got beamed up, she does not possess the spark. Instrumomo didn't mention me or my mom for our safety, and Addison is now upset.

She ran off, and after a moment I followed her. We got beamed down and I shouted "Addison!" She spun around. "Y/N, I found my people. This is me! But I still feel totally alone!" I sighed. "I'm sorry. But maybe your spark is just taking a bit longer to show. I'm sure you'll find your place." She nodded. I know we don't talk much, but you're a really nice person Y/N. Thanks." I smiled.

Flash forward, right before I left for the cheer competition. I opened my locker to find a small bouquet of flowers. It was signed "A-lan. Will you go out to get dinner, or fro-yo or something with me?" I laughed. I was his crush! I need to tell him yes. I will during the cheer off.

Then it was actually time for the cheer off. I was standing in the crowd. Right before the Eels went on, I got claustrophobic and stepped outside. A few minutes later, Zed came out on the phone. He sounded nervous. Suddenly he did some dance move and hung up. Talked to some hidden camera or something, and sighed. "Got into college?" He looked at me, startled, and said "Oh hey. Yeah I got in. How'd you know?"

"They usually answer applications this many days after interviews and based off of your reaction, it was good news."

"You should be our makeshift Eliza."

I smiled but it faded as soon as I heard sirens near the school.

In unison me and Zed said "We need to tell the aliens."

A-lan x reader (ZOMBIES 3)Where stories live. Discover now