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Lucill lift her head from the book when she heard noises a couple of feet away.

Kids from age three to ten were coming up in a bundle. Laughing and talking they were. She got up and walked towards them, removing her glasses.

"Come on up, you know I have dinner almost ready."

"Where is Grandfather?" The three-year-old ask, with her finger in her mouth. Lucill bends on took her in her arms.

"He is at the farm, he hasn't arrived yet."

"No, he's not there, I went down there to see him but he wasn't there," The ten-year-old boy said, pushing the rest of them inside. He was tall and mature for his age, though underestimated by others. He is the son that Lucill referred to when she thought he was the one that took the corns and was going to pay back.

"What you mean he is not there Lucas?" Her hand immediately went to her heart.

Lord forgive me for not believing him

"Let me get my phone from inside," She said, and fast as she could, she walked in and sat the little girl down near the rest.

"Lucas, come and stay with them until I get back. If not back before night, take some bun and cheese and share it, a juice is in the refrigerator."

"Yes, Miss Lucill," He was the only one who didn't call her grandma. Even though he often treats her like one.

"I'll be back soon," She said and Lucas turned on the tv and guide the kids to sit around it.

She grab her phone and tied the end of her skirt. On her way out she saw the miss calls and her heart leaped.

"Please God, have mercy on me," She Said doing the cross.


"Frankie!" She shouted, squeezing her chest.

"Frankie!" She shouted again, wiping sweat from her forehead.

"Frankie!" She called out, pushing away the corns. She stopped when she saw the phone on the corn stick.

She lifts her skirt a little higher and runs towards it. She pulled it off looking for a note but none was there.

"God where is he?"She asked, her chest wheezing.

"This is what it feels like being old, I can't even run without wheezing!"Then she heard a groan, a couple of feet away. She spotted him.

"Frankie?" She go towards him and stoop down, dragging his head unto her lap as she looked around.

"Frankie, wake up, honey," She said, tears draining from her eyes.

"I may have been a doctor, but am not anymore, I have no idea what to do," She said, then laying him down again. She put pressure on his chest with her palms just to hear him shout.

"I'm okay, don't do that!"

"What happened?"She asked pulling his head back to her lap.

"Nothing two-shot of rum can't fix."

"What do you mean? Don't lie to me Frankie, you were unconscious  when I got here, am calling the ambulance."

"No don't, you are a Doctor old age doesn't stop that," He said groaning and getting up.

"Where is my phone?"

"Your phone? here," Then she remembered what she wrote in her book.

"You didn't see any weird dog around here did you?"

"Weird dog?Around here? no, no." He started to walk away and she knew he was lying.

Old Guy Frankie, lied I wondered why.

The Man and the Talking Dog✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora