Chapter 4: The Orange Eyes

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Alexander Pavel, the 16 year old boy, was still sitting all alone in the old and abandoned basement. He looked at his hands and couldn't believe that his nails are now turned into sharp claws and his hands are now hairy. He than felt that he really did got fangs that he saw in the mirror. The poor guy was scared and overwhelmed by all the sounds he could here all at ones. But then something got his eye. In a dark corner, close to the door that leads to the cottage, he saw two orange eyes and slowly Alex saw that they belong to the wolf he helped earlier that day. The beautiful white wolf walked up to the now calmer young man and sat next to him. For some reason he felt a connection, like as if he already knew this wolf. He wasn't quite sure if she was a actual wolf or a werewolf just like him. All he knew is that he wasn't alone right now.

The two just sat there quietly and looked at the shining moon through a small stained glass window. The peaceful moment sadly didn't last any longer because Alexander soon heard the sound of a car stopping nearby. He tried to focus on the scent of whoever was in the car but it didn't work. There were to many other scents and he doesn't know how to block them away. Although he did end up hearing his sister's voice. He quickly realized that his parents were obviously with her, because one she can not drive and two their parents would never let her go of in the woods all by her self at like 1 a.m.

It seemed as though the wolf had also heard them and she soon walked out of the basement and back into the house. Alex had no clue of what to do or what to say when they would find him like this. "They will never accept me. Well Mel would since she loves werewolves but mom and dad wouldn't want a monstrous beast living in their house now would they?", he thought. The young man started to worry about how his life is going to be after the moment they find him. Well if they find him that is. He cried and cried and didn't stop. Not even when he heard his parents and sister gasp at the sight of him. Not even when his sister ran up to him and hugged him. Not even when his parents reassured him of how much they love him and that they figure this out together. "Alex let's just go home and try to rest.", his dad suggested. "Thank you for trying to help but right now I don't know what to do. I'm scared to look at the monster that I've become.", Alex said honestly. 

"You're not a monster Al." "Melanie you don't know that. You don't know what I feel right now. I can feel the thirst to hunt throughout my entire body. It's like the beast in me wants to come out and slaughter everything in it's way and I'm here trying to fight it. I have no idea why this is happening to me but all I know is that I need to find a way to stop this beast before I lose myself.", Alex said. They all just sat there for a moment until Colin decided to speak up. "Alex do you want to go back home or do you want to stay here all night because I'm not leaving you all by yourself in here."

"I think I want to go back home. I don't want to stay here right now." "Alright sweetheart.", his mom replied. And with that the family walked back to the car. Colin was sitting in the driver's seat with his wife next to him and their kids in the back. When they got home, Alex immediately went to his room without saying a word. He went to his full-body mirror and looked at what he had become. Not a minute later, he heard a knock. "It's M. Can I come in Alex?", he heard his sister ask. "Yeah come in."

The young girl walked into his room and Alex didn't even dare to look at her. "Wow. You really are a wolf.", his sister said astonished. "Yeah guess you were right." "Hey Alex, I just wanted to say that we are going to figure this out together. I have been thinking about it during the ride back home and I think you might've been born like this. I mean you have never been bitten or scratched and our parents found you left alone in the woods. Maybe you're parents might have been werewolves too but something happened causing them to leave you. I'm not sure but I know we will end up finding the truth." "Thank you Melanie for your help but can we talk about that maybe tomorrow? I really need to process everything right now.", he said to his little sister. "Yes of course. I'm going to get ready for bed so sleep well."

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