Chapter 3: Expect the Unexpected

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The two sibling were each making their homework until it was 5 p.m. and the door opened. The two of them each turned around and saw their mother, Emily, walk in. "Hey guys how was your day?", she asked. "It was alright. School was boring, as always but Alex and I went to the arcade for his birthday.", Melanie said as she hugged her mom. "That sounds like fun. I'm sorry we couldn't do anything with the four of us. Also does any of you know where your dad is?" "It really was. And it's alright mom. I know you and dad are busy so it's fine. Oh and I think dad is getting some groceries. He had a day off but he was still sleeping when we went to school so you should probably call him.", Alex said. "Yeah I will as soon as I get into my pajamas's because this uniform is getting annoying."

"Had to arrest someone again didn't you?", Mel asked. "Yep. Some guy was trying to steal something from the bank but we got him and everyone got out of there save.", her mother replied and walked to her room. "Mel should we ask her about the cottage now?", Alex asked his sister. She nodded and they quickly got up to put there books in their rooms. and walked back into the living room, where they found their mom was already sitting on the couch, with a glass of water. "Hey-uh mom can we ask you something?", Melanie asked. "Anything." "Well mom you know how you and dad found me in the woods and how I always run there. Well uh a couple days ago I found a cottage near the spot where I was found and I was thinking if you know anything about that place. It looks like it has been abandoned for years. And I also went in there and found a picture. I think it might be me as a baby with my biological parents but the photo is kind of faded so I can't see who they are or what they look like.", Alex said. His mom looked a bit shocked and was processing it. She looked at the picture and back at her kids. "Alex I-I honestly wish I could tell you anything about your parents but your dad and I never found anything. I mean it is indeed you on that picture but I have never really seen the cottage. But if you really want to find out who your biological parents are, than I will do my best to find as much information as I can about that cottage and who used to live there.", Emily told him. "Okay thank you mom.", Alex responded and the three of them shared a hug. "Well uhm I'm going to call your dad right now, to let him know that he has to get home with the groceries. I still have to cook dinner and I can't really make your favorite lasagna without the ingredients, now can I.", she said and walked into the kitchen.

Melanie and Alexander were both still sitting in the living room. "Alex why didn't you tel her about the basement and the scratches you saw? And about the wolf and your eyes.", Mel whispered. "I don't want to freak her out. I rather wait to tell her and dad until we have figured out what is happening to me.", he explained. "Maybe you're a werewolf or something.", Melanie said. "Yeah right as if. Mel I think you've watched to much Teen Wolf and Wolfblood." "What No I have not! Besides when Stiles told Scott that he was becoming a werewolf after he'd done a lot of research, he ended up being right!", she defended. "Whatever Mel. I wasn't even bitten or scratched by a wolf. Anyway I'm going to my room and make the rest of my homework before dinner.", Alex said.

Melanie, who was already done with her homework, decided to re-read 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' until dinner was done. By the time she was at chapter 4, her dad had already arrived home and was now helping his wife with making their son's favorite lasagna. And by the time she was at chapter 10, dinner was ready. "Sweetie would you please get Alex for dinner?", her father, Colin, asked. "Yeah I'm on it." "Thank you.", he said and Melanie was soon in front of Alex's door about to knock. Before she even had the chance to knock, his door flung open. "Dinner is ready...", she said all baffled. "Yes! Lasagna! I could already smell it!", he said and sprinted down the stairs. Melanie who was still a bit baffled, followed him to the dinner table and the two helped setting the table. After they ate, their dad put a birthday cake on the table. "Happy Birthday Al.", he said to his son. Alex blew out the candles and they all ate a slice of a delicious banana and cinnamon cake.

When they were done, the family decided to watch a movie together so they sat down on the couch with some popcorn, sour patch kids, cola and chocolate. They chose to watch Hamilton and they all sang along with the songs. In the middle of the movie, Alex started to feel a little weird. "I have to go to the bathroom real quick. You guys can just continue watching.", he said and quickly went up to the bathroom in his room. He washed his face and drank a bit of water. When he looked back into the mirror, his eyes went wide and he started to hyperventilate. His eyes were orange again but this time he could both see and feel that he statted to get fangs. Alex opened the window, in a attempt to get more oxygen into his system but it didn't work. Instead it made it worse. As soon as he looked out of the window, he saw the full moon. Before he knew it, he transformed into what he thought was never going to happen. "Melanie was right.", he thought as soon as he realized that he was indeed a werewolf. The poor Alex was scared and jumped out of his window, fully trasformed into a redish brown wolf. He went to the only place he could possibly think of right now and in less than 20 minutes, he was back in the basement of the cottage. As soon as he was out of the moon's light and into the basement, he was back into his human form. Well his hum werewolf form. But at least he was save from hurting his family. But what Alex didn't know, is that his sister went to check on him and found him missing and that she was now sitting in the car with her parents on their way to the cottage.

As he was sitting in the basement all alone, he couldn't help but wonder if the wolf from earlier was nearby and if she's also a werewolf. Alexander didn't know what to do. He was lost in his thought and kept thinking that his parents would leave him in the woods if they found out. "Maybe that'll be better. At least than I won't hurt them.", he thought. But that thought really broke his heart and he let out a loud and heartbroken howl. 

Melanie heard it and she knew in that moment that she was right. Alex was a wolf. "But how? He said he wasn't even bitten or scratched.", she thought. But her thoughts were soon interrupted by her mom. "What was that sound?", she asked. "It sounded like a wolf.", her dad answered. "But that's not possible. Wolfs haven't been here for at least 16 years.", Emily said to her husband. The rest of the way to the woods, Melanie was worried for her brother. What was she going to do. She had to help him but how? How could she possibly help a werewolf.

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