chap 1 ♡

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Indiya's body curled in her bed, she was fast asleep without a care in the world, even though she was agitated the night before worrying about the first day of school, it seems she has completely forgotten.

Moments later her alarm rang causing her to awake from her sleep. She rose her head from her pillow letting out a small yawn, before turning off her still ringing alarm. She checked her alarm. 6:00 on the dot. She stood up putting on her glasses before making her very messy bed.

She went into her bathroom soon after running the tap on for her bath. Indiya slid down her clothes and stepped into the hot bath letting her muscles relax.

Soon after she stepped out the bath drying her wet body. Body lotion, it was a necessity unless she would never feel fully clean. She wore a a white rose patterned tank top with a cropped pink buttoned jumper and slightly flared blue jeans that fit her perfectly. She made her way to her almost entirely pink vanity and added a little touches to enhance her already stunning and cute face.

With that, she made her way downstairs to the kitchen to get her lunch for school

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With that, she made her way downstairs to the kitchen to get her lunch for school. She grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and her ham sandwich she made the night before.
  "Hey" she turned around to see her brother smiling at her.

"Hi, how'd you sleep?" She said smiling back. "Fine, what about you?" He asked as he went to get something from the fridge. "Great, but I'm heading to school now, see you there." She said before closing the door of the house behind her.

Indiya decided  she would walk to school seeing as it would only take about 20 minutes plus the scenery would be really pretty so it's a win win for her.
  About 10 minutes later she got near the road of the school and this is the point where she had to cross the road, Indiya being the good girl she is looked left and right before she crossed, she was sure there were no cars coming so she crossed.

Within a split second there was a car about to hit her, but someone came up behind her and pushed her off the road. She turned around wanting to see who saved her and was met with emerald green eyes staring right at her.

"Thank you for helping me" she muttered unsure wether the stranger even heard her. "Be careful next time, you could have got hurt if not for me" he said with slight annoyance laced on his voice. It almost sounded like he was telling her off.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to i looked both ways I promise" she said softly, hoping he wouldn't get mad at her.
"It's fine, just didn't want you getting hurt" he said reassuring her.
   She was too distracted to notice that she would be late to school if she didn't go now, so she quickly said bye to the stranger and ran to school.


She was now in second period with really her only friend kez sitting next to her.
    "Do you have a spare pen" she said tapping kez on the shoulder. "No, I don't even have a pen myself, sorry." "No don't apologise, it's not your fault" the small girl said trying not to sound like she's blaming her friend.

It was near the end of the class anyways so Indiya didn't really mind. As she was lost in her thoughts the bell for 3rd period rang causing her to get a little startled. "Bye, we have different classes so I'll get going" kez said waving at Indiya as she left.

Indiya was still sitting in her chair but quickly got up seeing as she didn't want to be late to her next class. The halls were crowded meaning she definitely would be late despite her efforts not to. As she was nearing the maths corridor she got pushed on the ground by her bully. Natasha, an awful bitch she was. Indiya stood up trying to ignore the bitchy girl in front of her. "You look fucking awful" bellowed Natasha pushing Indiya against a wall near her. "I'm going to be late to class, please leave me alone" the timid girl said avoiding eye contact with Natasha.

Though Indiya was being fairly nice, Natasha took it as an insult and grabbed the poor girls hair. "Let me go, I didn't do anything" she said in obvious pain.
There were many bystanders just watching the scene unfold and not even bothering to help. "I swear I hate when you talk all nice and sweet it makes me want to vomit" said Natasha making vomiting noises. The pretentious girl then started pulling Indiya's hair making her fall on the ground. "Please let me go, I'm sorry" Indiya bellowed as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

In fairness Indiya's did nothing wrong in this situation, Natasha just found it entertaining to disturb the girl whatever chance she got.
Indiya tried desperately to removed the girls hand off her hair but failed to no avail. She gave up. She was now crying in pain as Natasha continued her harassment.


Indiya could no longer feel hands on her hair, she looked up and now saw Natasha on the floor holding her face. "Don't ever fucking touch her again, or I swear I'll do way worse than just a slap to you"
The timid girl turned around to see the stranger that saved her from getting ran over with a angry look on his face. "It's you again" said the girl still hiccuping in tears as she stared at the strange boy.
He immediately took her hand, helping her off the floor with a worried look on his face. "Are you okay?" He asked with a soothing tone. The girl nodded her head in response to his question.
Next thing she knew she was walking away from Natasha with her hand in hand with the boy that helped her yet again. He took Indiya into an empty classroom closing the door behind him.

Soo I'm back 😭
I tried my best to improve my writing style and all, and I've decided to change the plot of the book a slight bit but I still kept the same characters but with different aesthetics.
Vote and comment pleasee <3
Hope u liked the first chapter

1082 words <3

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