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Chapter 1

When Cale woke up he did not expect to wake up as a 6 year old

Cale died but God of Death made a deal with him
But it turns out that bastard messed up.

Instead of switching bodies he is now 6 years old.

Cale was in the bathroom and after he got situated he went out.

As soon as he did the door flew open.

There alive in all her glory and warmth was Jour,Cale's mother.

Cake was so happy he didn't even see the little extra hanging around

Not until his mother picked the extra up.

"Now Ciel say good morning to your older brother"
Jour said with a soft voice.

That was when Cale realized the God of Death truly did mess up.

Not only was he still in his body and younger but he had a little brother to!.

His name is Ciel.

Cake awoke from his trance
When a milky voice what Cale realized is a two year old saying

"Gwod mworning brudda" Ciel Spoke words slurring.

Like an arrow shot into his heart Cale became the doting brother he never knew he could be.

20 mins later breakfast was ready.

Cale and Ciel.
Cale holding Ciel ran down to the dining room.

The door openes and sitting at the head was Deruth Count Deruth Cale's father.

A million different thoughts
Ran in Cale's head.

The last time Cale saw him he was dragging Cale into a safe hiding place.

And when Cale escaped all Cale found was Deruth's headless body protectong Violan.

Cale's mind couldn't seem to calm down.
But Ciel grabbed Cale's shirt.

And as Cale looked into Ciel's eyes his mind stopped

Cale put Ciel down. And both of them ran towards their father.

Ciel tripping on the way

"Hello my sons" Deruth said warmth flowing from his voice

The boys greeted him back and with Jour hugged him

They then sat down for dinner.

The four of them together like always.

Huh? Always Why does Cale feel like it used to be only 3 of them.

Why does it feel like Cale is forgetting Something Huh.....

Well! Lets enjoy breakfast


Like That Years Past.

Hear Cale was 8 years old at his mothers funeral.

His Father on his knees crying.

Cale Feeling empty.

Then Small hands wrap around him.

Ciel his four year old brother hugging him.

"H-Hyung its okay to cry".

And that was it just that and Cale cried.

Cried like no other.

Ciel Comforted him with a hand on his father's shoulder
And his face buried in his brothers fabric shirt.

"Its okay I'm still here" is what Ciel's touch seems to say to Deruth and Cale

Months went by.

Count Deruth grew distanced from Cale and Ciel.
But not as distant as before...
Before...? Before what?...

Remember Cale

Deruth was distant.
Cale let his father do what he wanted.

While Ciel pushed.

Ciel made sure his father would always eat his meals.

When Cale was sword training and Ciel was playing
Ciel always go Deruth watching.

You might think why Deruth didn't just lock himself in his office or room

Well he did.

Ciel kept picking the locks.

To this day they still don't know how a four year old can do that.

But Ciel did it so much Deruth Gave up.

Cale always wondered why his little brother pushed their father.

He was just going to forget them and replace them again.

Again...Why Again.

Cale sighs His head hurts.

Why does Cale always feel like he is forgetting something.

Remember my Child Remember!

"SHUT UP!" That voice is always telling him to remember.




New baby brother...

No He remembers he had a baby brother.

He remembers his mother being pregnant.

Right...No No No No No No No

Why doesn't he remember that.

He can only remember being 6 waking up with a little brother.

Whats happening.

What happening

Whats happening.

What happening

Whats happening.

What happening

I am Cale....I Am Cale Henituse...I have a little brother named Ciel.

I have a Father Named Deruth.

I have A mother named Violan..wait No No No

Who Is Violan.

I have a little brother named Basen..

No I Have Little sister named Lily

No No No no No No No

Who are these people

Why do I say they are my family

Cale You Must remember that is the only way


I so so so want to remember.

People can hear Crying coming from Cale's room

They think he is just mourning more about his mother and leave him be.

Ciel Hearing the Crying

Goes inside his brothers room

He hears his brother saying
No no no no remember remember

He is in the corner

Face in his knees and Hand
On his head

Ciel Walked over

"Shh Older brother rest now"

With That Cale's mind stopped his breathing slowed

He fell asleep

Must You Interfer

"His mind is young right now. Still grieving give it time your to impatient"

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