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8 Years flies by rather quickly, like how the wind blows off the hanging leaves during autumn. It was quick but not easy for the most part. Jaehyun, never gave up searching for Dayeon. He had told himself that she must've had a good reason to leave, despite leaving without any notice. Leaving him as if nothing between them ever happened. Spending days looking for her turned into months into years. He barely showed up in school, his grades were dropping. Drenched in alcohol and the smell of cigarettes was overflowing all over his body. Only after a year after Dayeon's departure, Jaehyun's parents think it would be best to send him abroad to the states. Hoping that it would help him erase whatever was going on here in Seoul, but little did they know, it did not. As a matter of fact, he became worse. Partying, clubbing, drinking, and sleeping around was his forte. Or you can call it a way for him to cope. It was not easy. Whenever he's alone, the thought of one person comes across his mind. Kim Dayeon. The thought of her angers him, the fact that he was once looking everywhere for her, feeling hopeful that she will show up in his life again brings flame to his heart. Once love turned into hate, or at least that's what he thought. In the last year of his studies in the states, counting down the days until he had to return to Korea, he had told himself not to care or think about Dayeon anymore. The Dayeon he once knew was gone from his life, instead, he was determined to build a career and future for himself instead. Jeong Jaehyun at the age of 24 inherited his family's company, The Jeong Group. After all these years of resenting his parents for being a workaholic, he has now become like one.

Time flew by like a breeze, before a decade passed, Jaemin attained a legacy which was a credible global hospitality industry, and completed his studies. However in compensation for time well spent with a certain feisty brown-eyed someone who lingered in his mind within those years but didn't belong. His once dearest friend inhabited his thoughts once in a while as well, the last trace of him being a mere minute phone call. After a rough end to his high school years, he went off to college at the most prestigious university in Korea to further challenge his academic capabilities in order to take over his family's hotels and resort chain. He'd made a few friends then but none of them were able to imprint on him as did his small circle of friends back in high school. Or maybe he just didn't allow them to. The easy-going and charming characteristics never washed off of Jaemin, he remained the same for the most part other than developing a new sense of work ethic.

Onto Lee Sieun, she tried to move on with her life as much as she possibly could. In fact, after Dayeon left, she did manage to open her heart to her arch-enemy that goes by the name Na Jaemin. But not in a romantic sense, they became pretty good friends in their last year of high school. They grew so familiar that Jaemin often visited Sieun at her campus at university as well. Yes, they both stayed in Korea for university but not just some ordinary university. They both got into SNU, Seoul National University. Jaemin became one of the few reasons Sieun had to smile for after the mysterious disappearance of her best friend. Even so, like most friendships, the interference of a blossoming love weakened it. During Sieun's senior year of college, there was a new transfer, well a very cute transfer that goes by the name of Kim Taehyung. According to Sieun, he had the cutest box smile, pretty lashes decorating his alluring brown eyes and not to mention he was built like a model. It was safe to say, Sieun fell for him right away. A few months into spending time with Sieun, the cute transfer couldn't resist her carefree and interesting nature as well. He managed to ask her out and ever since then the two were quite inseparable. Jaemin slowly faded out of the image, not wanting to third-wheel. Little by little, Sieun started to notice the changes in Jaemin's behavior. It's like he became distant and cold. The guy who once treated her like she was as fragile as a lily that decorated his garden, now couldn't even look her in the eyes or maybe he purely did not want to. Eventually, the bickering turned into fights and their friendship cracked bit by bit until one day it shattered completely. At this moment in time, Sieun currently owns a cozy Cafe that she opened after finishing college with the help of her parent's funding and a year of multiple part-time jobs she had taken up. She came from old money, her family was filthy rich but she never considered that as her own money. She wanted to earn her way in life. A stable job and a stable relationship, that's right! Sieun is still dating her college boyfriend of three years.

Park Dayeon, on the other hand. Her mother died of illness during the second year of her return to her hometown. Seeing her father work without a single day off is like daggers to her heart. Dayeon was still in a financial crisis, so she opted to work many part-time jobs to support her family. Education was still her priority, she knew her mother would want her to complete her studies for a clear future ahead of her. In the span of those 8 years, she had never let the thoughts of 3 people slip her mind. Despite being the least close to him, Jaemin was in charge of the group's jokes. When Dayeon was having a rough day, she would recall all of Sieun and Jaemin's moments and giggle to herself. It was like a small pick-me-up. She appreciates how he was always the mood lifter and still hopes that he would be there for her friend Sieun up until this day. Sieun, how can she forget her best friend. The friend that would make her laugh a little harder, cry a little less, and smile a little more. Sieun, is the person that showed her the definition of a true friend. Lastly, Jaehyun. Jaehyun. Jaehyun. Jaehyun. The name that she loves hearing but also pains her to repeat. How is he doing? She asked herself. Each day, each night, she would reminisce about his scent, his figure, his character, just him. Was I too selfish? She asked herself again. Beneath this sky, we both are living under it. This is the closest we will ever get, Jeong. After all, moving back to her hometown allowed Dayeon to reunite with her childhood friend, Kim Mingyu. Mingyu is a chef, a really good cook. He had helped Dayeon out with her mother's restaurant when she was still here. By now, Mingyu is running the restaurant full-time with some assistants from Dayeon. This forces them to reconnect their young friendship and grow closer. 

However, working at multiple part-time jobs was insufficient to support her two siblings and father. Dayeon had gathered the courage to return to Seoul, but this time she was alone. In the hopes of finding a suitable job.

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