Chapter Twenty-Two: Kiss Of Destruction, Part One

Start from the beginning

"My girlfriend is a stalker," Haruna said. "No I'm not!" Kanako cried. "I-It's just in case Ikehara-san tries to do anything to you!" "Oh, so you're gonna swoop in and be my hero?" Haruna teased. "That's right! Kanako to the rescue!" Kanako announced proudly, making Haruna laugh. "Well, alright then. Be sure to keep a good watch over me, okay?" "I won't even blink," Kanako said. "No, you should definitely blink," Haruna said back.

However, it turned out they had gotten too wrapped up in their conversation and completely missed the sound of someone coming down the stairs. "Haruna?" a woman's voice said, sounding tired, annoyed and confused. "Why are you making so much noise down here? And why is Kana-chan here?" "Oh, um..." Haruna said, not having any excuse prepared. "I sincerely hope you didn't sneak her over here in hopes of having some sort of illicit night," Haruna's mother said. "T-That's not what was happening!" Haruna said quickly. "We just had a problem to solve, that's all!" "And it couldn't wait until morning?" Haruna's mother pressed. Not sure of what else to say, Haruna went silent as Kanako remained the same way next to her.

"Kana-chan," Haruna's mother said. "I would appreciate it if you went back to your house. I won't tell your mom about you sneaking around either, okay?" "Y-Yes ma'am..." Kanako said nervously. It was true they hadn't planned on doing anything of an illicit nature, but being lectured like they had been planning as much still made Kanako feel guilty.

So, getting up, Kanako said her goodbyes and went back. "Haruna," the girl's mother scowled. "We weren't gonna do anything!" Haruna cried. After a long, hard stare, her mother soon let out a heavy sigh. "Honestly... You're lucky it was me who woke up and not your father. Now head back upstairs after you clean up down here." "Okay..." Haruna said.

While washing the dishes, Haruna thought back on what Kanako had said. "I understand why she wants me to go, but..." To Haruna, it seemed like there was no way going on this date would end well for anybody. "But if she thinks it's worth the risk, then..."


When Sunday came around, Haruna found herself feeling rather annoyed. "What was even the point of getting all worked up...?" she wondered. Haruna had been mentally preparing herself for her date with Katsumi, but the day of, the girl had canceled, saying that they would go next Saturday instead because something came up. "I didn't even want to go in the first place, so why am I so bothered by this?" Haruna sighed.

Everything had been moving so fast that really, it was probably for the best that the date had been pushed back. It gave Haruna and Kanako some more time to think, along with consulting the one person who could probably give them the best advice on what to do.

"That Ikehara-san is totally crossing the line," Chiyo said as she and Haruna sat in the gal's room. "I mean, does she even know what she's doing anymore?" Though she said that, Chiyo was actually fairly certain she knew exactly what Katsumi was trying to do. "She's probably trying to break them up," she thought. "But telling Haru-chi or Kana-chan that will just make them panic." And, if they weren't thinking about it already, then there was no point in putting that worry in their heads.

"I'm surprised she canceled on ya though," Chiyo added. "Ikehara-san strikes me as the kinda girl who puts her love life before everything." "It's not like she doesn't have other things going on in her life," Haruna pointed out. "Although, it does seem like her love life is usually the only thing on her mind." Sometimes it was easy to forget, but Katsumi was still a normal, teenage girl. Haruna was sure she had other things to worry about aside from messing with her and Kanako (even if it didn't seem like it).

"I still can't believe you and Kana-chan agreed to it," Chiyo said, sounding displeased. "You sound angry," Haruna said. "Of course I'm angry!" Chiyo exclaimed. "Ikehara-san is trouble, Haru-chi! T-R-O-U-B-L-E! You shouldn't be agreeing to do anything with her!" "But if we can find out what she's been trying to do-" Haruna said, trying to make her case, but Chiyo cut her off. "Is it seriously worth the risk of giving Ikehara-san the chance to put cracks in your relationship?"

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