First Trial: Chapter 5 Arc 1

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Narrator pov

The last bell chimed for the final time as you had your head laid down on your desk. You lifted it up to see everyone leaving as you grabbed your bag to leave too.

You really only remembered where most of your classes were, and some clubs you thought could be interesting as time wasters, not much as making pleasant experiences. Game club, star gazing club, those kinds of things.

You wanted so badly to go into the drama club. Plays and musicals, dances and singing, it was all there for you to take part in. You wanted badly to feel the power of being on stage once more, but... Not now, maybe not this year.

While you really didn't have any talent with a musical instrument, and your acting skills were less than ideal. You had a really natural knack for singing and dancing. Maybe it came from experience from other things, but they just felt natural, like a part of you. You wanted so badly to find a play to just dance for a while, but... You shook the thought away as you looked out the window.

Y/N: ( Guess I better go home. Mom is probably making ramen or something, at least I hope so, I want it so bad.)

Soraka: Are you going home, Y/N?

You looked to your right as you saw Soraka staring at you with a smile.

Y/N: Yeah... I'm a bit tired from all the things today.

Soraka: Yeah, coming here from a different place will do that to you. I just hope you end up enjoying it.

Y/N: Yeah... I hope so too.

Soraka: Hmm, I have a tip just for you!

Y/N: Uhh, ok?

Soraka: I think you might have not decided on a club yet, but I recommend that you choose two, that way you can do something else on the days that the club isn't available. And you get to meet loads of extra people.

Y/N: Two? You can do that?

Soraka: Of course, Valoran High prides itself on self discovery. It lets you have three clubs if you choose to.

Y/N: I see...

Soraka: But, the place gets better with lots of people that you know. I know it might be a little scary at first, but I promise you that if you are just yourself, you are going to have the best time here!

You took those words to heart as you smiled back to her.

Y/N: Thanks Soraka.

Soraka: Call me Raka, we are friends aren't we?

Y/N:... Yeah, yeah I guess we are.

Soraka: Great!

You heard the door open as you saw a girl with Orange hair and her uniform jacket hanging on her shoulder as she eyed Soraka and then you.

???: C'mon Raka, let's go get something to eat before Stargazer club.

Soraka: Oh coming! Sorry about this, but just think about what I said, ok?

Y/N:... Oh yeah, I will. Thanks... Soraka.

Soraka: Maybe one day!

She quickly left the room as you were about to wave but you felt a little embarrassed. You sighed to yourself as you grabbed your bag and made your way out of the classroom.

You walked down the hallway as you walked past a bunch of people who were tall chatting to each other. You kept walking as you closed your eyes for a moment to think.

Y/N:( Join two clubs huh? I guess that wouldn't be such a bad idea, even though all the clubs seem boring. Board game club? C'mon man, what the hell do you think this is? Whatever, better than nothing at all. There are a lot of students that stay after, so I might as well.)

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