Chapter Twenty Seven

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The next morning was a rushed one, with everyone getting themselves ready for the final trek of their journey to the 'promised land'. It took more than the sun shining in for Asha to be woken up. She'd had the kind of deep sleep where you forgot momentarily that you're living in the real world, where you felt like the dream was your reality, and you had no desire to leave it.

Once she was nudged gently awake by Finn, however, she was reminded that there was no place she'd rather be. Sure, the world they actually lived in was one full of death, misery, disease and heartache; but there was always something or someone who made all of it worthwhile. She had opened herself to him and he hadn't hurt her, he was what she had been waiting for.

It had only taken the end of the world, but he was there.

"You..." He began, pushing a strand of her hair from her eyes.

"Me?" Asha questioned sleepily, glancing up at him as a feeling of contentment washed over her. She suddenly didn't feel like being angry at everything anymore.

Finn smiled, dimples prominent. "You're unlike anyone I've ever met."

"You mean to say you've never met a half Mexican, bisexual, potty-mouthed, murderer before?" She questioned him with fake shock.

"Well," he faltered for a second, nodding to himself, "Yeah, exactly," he laughed.

Asha knew what he meant though; she silently revelled in his compliment.

Her thoughts began to run through the events of the night, making her heart beat unnaturally fast and her cheeks hum with heat. She wasn't sure if it was because it was the end of the world, but that was one night that she would never, ever forget. Her breathing hitched up as she touched at her heavily swollen lips.

"I wonder how soundproof this room is," she mused out loud, not quite caring in the answer. She was unapologetic about pleasure.

"Kit's gonna kill me," Finn remarked.


By mid-morning they were all –aside from the little ones- gathered in the main body of the church, putting the finishing touches to packing up their stuff when Max came back in from outside with a huge grin on his face. He was brandishing a set of keys which swayed enticingly from his finger.

"We won't be walking," he announced to the church. "They've got a minibus out back which just so happened to have the keys in it."

"Thank God!" Piper exclaimed lightly.

"Good, 'cause I am not in the mood for walking any kind of distance," Kit said blankly, hoisting his now very full backpack over his shoulder. "I'm hungover as fuck."

Asha glanced up to him and noted how he had heavily sunken eyes and a general greyness to his skin. It looked like he hadn't slept for a week, let alone a night. She wasn't feeling a hundred percent herself, but she was sure she looked better than he did.

"Serves you right for gettin' drunk when you shoulda been sleepin'," Max tutted, a knowing smirk on his face.

"Yeah, that's part of why I'm tired," Kit grinned cockily before shooting a quick look to Daisy who was busy shoving her bag full of clothes and drinks.

Christ. It seemed it was an exciting night for all.

"We're all running on the bare minimum. Let's get our stuff and go," Max ordered then, snapping everyone to attention.

Sunny wandered in then with a jumping-for-joy Boe. The pair looked cuter every minute that passed where Sunny didn't have a scowl on her face and blood on her hands. Boe was clutching something excitedly and Sunny had an almost prideful look on her face as she looked at the chubby girl.

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