Chapter Ten

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The three of them made their way back through the woods quickly; it was time to go. Apparently, during the day, the group had made the discovery of a people carrier not far from the tree house. Asha hadn't missed too much aside from that, and Daisy's steady recovery. Kit still seemed cold towards Finn, but Asha knew it would take him time to warm to him.

They reached the car in no time with Kit leading the way. When they got there, only Max stood by it. Piper and Daisy hadn't arrived yet. Asha smiled at him and held out the bin bag full of goodies for him to inspect.

Max took it and peered inside with an eyebrow raised. "Good job. We'll need this until we find something more... nutritious," he said before finding a place for it in the car.

"You guys have any luck finding our stolen supplies?" Asha asked openly to the three of them.

"No," Kit said flatly. "They knew how to hide it so we'd never find it again."

"Let's hope there's some supermarkets on the way that haven't been ransacked," Asha said, folding her arms across her chest.

"We'll figure somethin' out,'' Max offered as he joined them again. He then looked behind them. "Ah, there they are. Let's get a move on. Asha, ride in front with me?" He asked. He didn't wait for an answer and just strolled over to the driver's side and hopped in.

Asha nodded her answer, and then turned to see Piper trying to help Daisy walk. Daisy looked as disgruntled as she usually did, but that wasn't a bad sign. Piper looked ever more worried, trying her best to control the fragile girl.

"I'll get in the back," Kit said. "Leave these girls to ride in the middle, more room," he shrugged, looking to Finn to join him.

Neither of them looked happy about it, but it was true, Piper and Daisy needed the most room, they were the priority. Well, Asha was the priority, especially to Max. But he had her where he needed her, right by his side.

Asha clicked open the door to the passenger side and jumped in; she buckled in but turned in her seat to observe the others, and to keep an eye out. Piper gave Asha a small, tired smile as she climbed into the middle seat. Kit clambered in next, jumping over into the furthest seats. Finn and Daisy were next. Finn tried to help the blonde up into the car, but she proved her returning strength by literally pushing him off her to the ground and then throwing herself into her seat with Piper pandering around her, yelling about being careful with her stitches.

Daisy's attitude seemed to have fully returned, which to Asha was a relief; she was going to be okay. Finn picked himself off the ground and bumbled over the two girls into his allocated seat next to Kit, his cheeks were bright red, probably from the embarrassment of being thrown to the floor by a spindly, injured girl.

Everything the group owned had been piled up in and amongst everyone. She still had her bag, which really only had enough to sustain her and her alone. There was the medicine from Finn, plus the stuff from the tree house that included: the tartan blanket that Daisy was permanently wrapped in, and a few books. They also had the loot from the house in the woods which was what they had to rely on to get them through the drive. That would be easy enough considering the lengths of starvation they'd all been through in recent times; even so, Asha's stomach still rumbled.

"We'll make our way north, hopefully find a radio. If not, then we find a place to camp out until the boat comes," Max said as he started the car with a steady twist of the key, the engine roared to life and shook them briefly before dying down to a pleasant hum.

"Can I just say," Kit started, Asha rolled her eyes immediately. "Why don't we just find another boat at the docks and just go across in that? Why do we have to wait for some special boat?"

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