(36) - Party Getaway

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Fear; One word, four letters, which bring a shocking wave of unavoidable emotions

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Fear; One word, four letters, which bring a shocking wave of unavoidable emotions.

We've seen many forms of fear in the past few days. With the end of the world approaching, Arkadia was eliminated from the options of surviving, the people had nothing to hope for. Black rain struck, took lives, injured people, and traumatized souls. They feared the day praimfaya would knock at their door.

Fear of dying, they were starting to get used to it. They were not living, they were just surviving.

Monty marched in Arkadia, fearing for the state he would find Faith. He came face to face with Riley, who happened to be lurking outside of the room, and gave him an unintentional cold stare before breaking into the room.

Minjun smiled when she saw him. "What took you so long?"

Monty squeezed Faith's soft hand, hiding his face in the smooth blanket he had around her body.
He sniffled and lifted his head, the pain in his heart, throbbing as his eyes were sucking in his mind every detail of her.

A great tremor overtook, and gut-wrenching sobs tore through his chest, which rose up and down rapidly, releasing everything out.

He loved her, deeply.
He would sacrifice his life for her.
It was his fault, she almost died.
He blamed himself, for everything.

He couldn't understand before why she risked her life so many times for him, why she was being so naive with her plans and putting herself in danger.

Now he knew. She loved him. If she was destined to live a life without him, she didn't want it. She didn't want to even try live without Monty, in a world so cruel, and cold, filled with danger and death.

He was the light. He was life.

She was the life. She was his light.

Faith was always by his side even when his mother betrayed him, or when his best friend pushed him away.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, with half a heart, his tears tickling his cheeks. "I am never going to leave you alone again, whatever the case I promise."
His fingertips traced down her cheek, and then his tearful gaze fell on her waist. If only he could take her pain away.

"Please don't leave me. I can't live without you." He feared the idea of losing her. The tiny possibility of losing the person he cared about.

He leaned closer to her face and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, his tears landing on her skin. "I love you," his voice faded into broken sobs.

Minjun felt a tap on her shoulder, waking her up from the emotional state Monty put her in with his heartbreaking confession.

She wiped away her tears and looked at Zack with red, puffy eyes.

Zack too, couldn't hide his own teary eyes, and wet cheeks. He signaled Minjun to follow him outside the room. Monty needed some time alone.

Before she decided to leave the room, her nose crinkled as she clenched her jaw. "Monty, next time, do me a favor and don't get in trouble. She will get herself killed someday." He warned him, although it wasn't necessary.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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