(10) - End of Start

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The night passed by quickly and a challenging day was about to come for the campers.

A loud scream woke Faith. She wore her boots shakily, and rushed outside only to see Minjun's bloody tears. Faith hasn't ever seen something like that in her life.

"Minjun," her voice quivered, extending a hand to help her but Zack stopped her.

"Don't touch her. You will get infected." with wrinkled eyebrows and her lips open, she left a confused whimper.

A sudden virus burst out and every second, minute, and hour that was passing more people were getting infected.

Her eyes fluttered, searching Monty in the outside crowd only to see him sitting down close to one the fires. She was really glad he was safe and sound, but something was going on between him and Jasper. They both ignored each other in every way possible, not even sparing a glance.

"Jasper let the situation get the best of him." Monty explained the incident of this morning. Faith would be lying if she said she wasn't angry at Jasper's words when Monty explained what happened.

How could he say these mean things to his best friend? After everything they've been through?

She didn't have the chance to say anything more as chaos between the children started. "It's on me!" a kid yelled in despair, letting the poor girl, Fox, drop down on the ground. He wiped his shirt like a maniac to get rid of the blood.
Before they knew it, guns were pointing at each other until another gunshot was heard.

Clarke opened fire, almost out of breath, as silence ruled around. "This is exactly what the Grounders want. " Her breathing was heavy and her eyes were red. She needed to get some rest.

"They don't have to kill us if we kill each other first."

"They don't have to kill us if we all catch the virus. Get back in the damn dropship!" the 'brave' kid that decided to yell at Clarke, earned a great punch from Bellamy, who easily snatched the gun out of his hands.

Clarke dropped the gun, feeling her legs getting numb. Finn was fast to catch her before she could fall, ignoring Ravens' yell.

Octavia, once she came back from Lincoln's cave; she announced the bad news to everyone so they can prepare themselves physically, and mentally: "The Grounders are coming. They're attacking at first light."

Before they could walk into the dropship Zack stopped Finn so he could ask Clarke his question.

"Clarke, is Minjun alright?" The blonde girl tried her best to concentrate and answer but she gave up.

"I don't know," she mumbled in between small breaths. Finn ignored the boy and walked in the dropship with Octavia, to take care of Clarke and the rest of the sick people. Faith's shoulders fell in disappointment. She was worried about Minjun and Clarke after seeing her in that condition.

Her and Zack, took a moment as they sat across the fire. Zack pulled his hair in despair, his mind going crazy, worrying about Minjun. Faith took one of his hands of his head.

"She's going to be fine, Zack. I promise." She softly spoke, trying to convince him with a gentle smile on her face that was promising for better days. Zack felt himself getting calmer, and finally, after a few minutes, he looked back at her.

"How are you so sure?" he doubted at first.

Faith shrugged, with a smile still on her lips. He made her turn, and checked her eyes and ears for any sign of blood. She breathed and moved his hands down from her ears. "I'm fine,"

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