(22) - Unconditional Trust

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Miller successfully put the microphone inside Pike's office.

Their next plan was to take over the land that belonged to a Grounder Village. Pike was planning to kill all of them to take it. The Commander ordered them not to have their blood after what they did to their army, but now they were planning to make things worse. Someone had to try and stop it, and that person was Octavia.

Guards were walking left and right, carrying the remaining of their gear into the rover. Loading bullets enough to wipe out the entire village. Amsu was loading his own gun hesitantly. It wasn't right. He felt guilty.

Faith touched his shoulder. "You can step out. No one is forcing you to go," she said worriedly.

"I can't just step out. What am I going to say ' I don't want to go?'. They'll start to suspect me." Amsu knew their way.

Monty stopped in front of them, giving them a long searching look. Faith approached him slowly. "Please, Monty. I know you don't agree. You don't want to kill more innocent people, I know you. You don't have to do this." she pleaded, her voice cracking. He was her last hope. "I can still trust you, right?"

Before he could say anything, Hannah called out his name. "Monty! Get in."

He breathed out in disappointment and walked away. Faith couldn't stop following his form until he was lost inside the car. His mother gave her a cold stare. Whatever relationship these two had, she was sure to make it stop. Faith was a bad influence on his son. Little did Hannah know she was the one being with the wrong side.

The incidents that happened at the Grounder village were awful. Octavia had already warned the Grounders about the Skaikru's plans of wiping them out. Pike's had underestimated their power. Just because they were common villagers that didn't mean they would give up without a fight. The poisoned trap they planned worked and made the guards withdraw from the area. But it coasted the lives of a few people, Monroe's among them.

If Amsu was late for another two minutes, Minjun would also have been dead. He didn't know how he was going to tell Faith that almost all of them died that night. "We have traitors in our camp!" Hannah looked back at Bellamy and Monty.

They all knew who was giving information to Octavia. They only needed proof for Kane's actions. But he was not acting alone. Miller, Harper, Amsu, and Faith were dragged in this too.

The commander demanded a blockade for every sky person. Step more than one second out of the blockade's limit and be killed on the spot. That was the outcome they received after everything they did, killing their army and trying to wipe out common villagers.

 That was the outcome they received after everything they did, killing their army and trying to wipe out common villagers

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"Walls have ears." And the consequences for the rebels were about to begin. "We can't afford any more assumptions about who's a friend and who isn't. Not your oldest acquaintance, not your husband, wife, or lover."

Bαttlefield | Monty GreenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang