1.Prisoner 01

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"...Who do you think I am?"

Stepping out onto the ship, a young eleven year old boy's silhouette emerged into the dark. The crimson light flickered in sync with his now seething red eyes.

"I am not amused."

"State your name a- and intention"

A glitching red static leaked from his damaged DNA-stabiliser. Was it re-booting or out of Azmuth's range?

"Vey well. My name is Albedo. My intention..."

His pale form morphed and ignited into red hot flames, armoured in a soot-black rocky exterior.

His pale form morphed and ignited into red hot flames, armoured in a soot-black rocky exterior

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Your immediate demise." HeatBlast scorned in a gravelly voice.

The guards opened fire and Negative Heatblast burst forward and grabbed the nearest guard, searing his metallic face and blocking the laser fire with his body.

"Damn..." Nega-Heatblast murmured, tightening his grip. "Damn it all!"

The spasming crab aliens body ignites, ending their muffled agony as Nega-HeatBlast throws it towards the shooters; bowling through them.

This is all... Its all... HIS FAULT!"

Nega-Heatblast flared in outrage, blitzing the ship inside out! Frying many of the guards and prisoners aboard.

Nega-Heatblast flared in outrage, blitzing the ship inside out! Frying many of the guards and prisoners aboard

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Rocketing from the combusting ship, Nega-Heatblast shot towards earth. It was quite the terrifying spectacle from the planet's surface. Many Cities cowered as debris scattered over the globe upon re-entry. The majority of life onboard was now charred beyond recognition- All except for one...

shooting from the blaze. A night-black haired Tamaranean girl with violet eyes and tan skin emerged from the wreckage and outraged; broke her now superheated restraints.

"Who has the balls!" She angrily shouted, looking around for another ship, but instead a bright object caught her wicked glowing eyes; heading towards the planet.

"*Whistle* Well am I lucky or what? Not everyday you see a Pyronite in this quadrant- Just the solar bath I needed to charge up." Blackfire said, stretching. She glanced back to the distancing alien. "Hmm, Looks like trouble's headed their way, I should probably take this gracious opportunity to leave this rock..."

Her luscious deep purple lipstick shimmered as she smirked. "But I do like trouble..."

The Pyronite broke through the atmosphere with  roaring heat. Heading for the ocean; he altered course to the nearest land mass; Jump City.

Hot on his crimson red trail; a purple light followed him down. The two looked like vibrant falling stars. Funny, When one sees a shooting star it is said to be good fortune, however... Nothing good would come of this earth's new arrivals.

From the titans tower Beastboy called his teammates over to the glass wall in awe looking at the night sky.

"Guys, check it out, it's a meteor shower or something."

Inspecting the rain of fire closer, Cyborg interjected "That's no meteor shower BB..."

"Huh, wudya mean?"

"If it is, my scanners are pickin' up some pretty high tech space rocks."

*Warning Beep*


"What is it, Cyborg?" Robin asked.

"I've never seen anything like this- I'm gettin' a level 20 tech reading..."

"Outta one-hundred? Big whup" Beastboy mocked.

"Most of Earth is actually only just reaching level 3 Beastboy..." Starfire corrected.

Beastboy gulped in shock.

"-Though I could probably pass for twelve." Cyborg felt inclined to say.

"Sounds dangerous." Robin concluded.

"Clearly." Raven added.

Back with the alien convicts outside of the city borders, Albedo's Stabiliser sparked red and he felt his Ultimatrix begin to malfunction. "No... NO! Impossible!" he yelled. Losing hold of his Pyronite form. Only now...

"A teenage Ben Tennyson- again!?"

The now-teenager plummeted towards the barren ground.

Much like his raging fiery form; his cynical features had diminished, now turning into sheer focused panic. 

With the blaring wind tearing up the corner of his eye he took a shaky breath and uttered to himself "Terminal velocity-1500 ft to go-approximately 12 seconds till impact." His timing would be everything, waiting until the last moment until he could briefly transform. 

"... ... ..."


The forsaken misfit would look death in the eye and make the powers that be cower in his presence! (Or perhaps he just needed to psyched himself up...)

"Bastard!" Blackfire yelled, diving for the pale boy.

Plucked from the air before he hit the ground, Albedo and Blackfire scraped the ground coming to a stop. Lying on the ground, he cleared his ruby eyes of dust.


"*Cough Cough* How dare-"


Cut off by a stinging sensation o his cheek, a baffled Albedo looked up to his saviour.

"Not that easily." The Tamaranean said with wavering breath, though not because of exertion but rather adrenaline-A wave of panic.

"Excuse you?" Albedo said exasperated.

Cupping his cheek with her hand, her hair draped over him from above emphasising her violet glowing eyes. The look she gave... it wasn't a sweet one. It wasn't even kind. She was down right sinister...  and a hint seductive.

"I'm not done with you."


So the story takes place in the DCU, but- just like humans other alien species still exist in this story. It's a big universe.

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