Chapter 1

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[warnings: some cursed words, suicidal thoughts ]

It was a peaceful and a beautiful night. The stars were shining brightly and the birds were singing happily. Anyone would find the night magical. Well... maybe not everyone...
For Yeonjun, it was another horrible night. Even if the stars were shining they can't help Yeonjun get back home.

He grimaced at the thought that a week ago his parents had thrown him out. Well, actually his father was the one who threw him out. He has done that many times before, so it was nothing new to Yeonjun but usually he had let him back within a day or two. Not this time though, because it has been a whole ASS week.
He keeps throwing him out because he wants yeonjun to see how difficult life can be. But Yeonjun already knows that and that's the exact reason why he is home all the time. Old man wouldn't understand his problems so he chose to keep his mouth shut. Even if he did understand, Yeonjun wouldn't want to get that man's pity.

"AGH this sucks!" he suddenly exploded with frustrated feelings. "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SURVIVE OUT IN THE WILD IF I HAVE NOTHING, HUH?" He directed his question to his father, who was probably home, sleeping, PEACEFULLY.

He angrily plopped down on some random ass bench after walking to who knows where, it didn't matter to Yeonjun anymore. He groaned and rested his back on the bench, mumbling angrily.

"Should I just end it all?" asked Yeonjun sighing dramatically while sitting on a park bench.
"I mean I have nowhere to go and my life sucks ass so..."

He sighed once again and looked at the stars above him they were shiny and beautiful. Tears were begging to escape from his eyes but he didn't let them fall.

"Argh" he grunted angrily again
"All this depressing shit doesn't suit me" He stood up angrily and was greeted by a boy. Yeonjun jumped back in surprise and stared at the boy in shock "um sorry, I didn't see you there." he said while he was still in shock.

"d... do you wanna come inside?" said the other boy quietly also looking a bit surprised.
"w..what?" Yeonjun was suddenly confused. I mean why wouldn't he be confused if some random ass dude just appeared out of nowhere and now is asking him to come inside? um, suspicious?

"I mean, why else would you be here?" said the other boy. Yeonjun started to feel dizzy and he looked at the other boy in confusion
"I was litreally just sitting on a PARK bench, what do you mean by ''why else you would be sitting here?''" Said Yeonjun starting to feel irritated, well he already was but...

Beomgyu dropped his confused face and smiled slightly understanding the situation. While Yeonjun looked pissed off.

"Well, you see... This is my garden where you are in right now..." He said smiling, worriedly scratching his neck.
Yeonjun started looking around him, indeed it looked like a garden, a rather big one as well. Did he really enter some random dude's garden without realizing it? but how did he even get there? "Ah, well.. this is awkward... um..." he said scratching his neck in embarrassment while looking around.
"I will be taking my leave then, sorry for this"

Yeonjun stood up and was about to leave until the other suddenly started panicking and took hold of the blonde boy's wrist
"H-HOLD ON" he looked at Yeonjun in shock
"Y... yeah?" said yeonjun looking back at the other with widened eyes.

"Well, I happened to hear that you have nowhere to go, and um, I was wondering if you perhaps... w- wanted to stay here. It... It might sound a bit, well, suspicious but I promise I am not bad" He said looking down half mumbling.




Did Yeonjun hear that correctly? Was he given a chance to stay somewhere? Was this perhaps some kind of sign? Or a trick... WAIT MAYBE THIS IS A DREAM?
"R-really?" he asked looking into the smaller boy's eyes. The other nodded slightly, blushing. Yeonjun then realized that he held the other boy's shoulders firmly and pulled them away quickly
"Ah- Sorry!" he said hurriedly, looking away from the other.

Mysterious boy ( Yeongyu / Beomjun )Where stories live. Discover now