Chapter 6

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I watched how Beomgyu unlocked the door and opened it. The process of it was rather slow but I didn't mind.

when the door was fully opened I was honestly shocked. What shocked me had nothing to do with the neatly cleaned room or that Gyu's room was more lively than all the other room's in this house. The thing that shocked me was an equipment which was standing tall next to the bed.

I stared at it for awhile. Processing if it really was what I thought it was and well... of course it is. Maybe it's just Gyu's aesthetic... no- yeah, no that's dumb.

I decided to ask Beommie about it. I straightened my back and asked trying to look as unbothered as possible. But for some reason I think i failed miserably. *sigh*

"Gyu why is that in your room and what is thya?" I pointed at the thing that was bothering me.
"Oh... well it's anesthesia machine. I have that because" he started as he was walking to it and grabbed onto it with his little hand.

I could see that Gyu was nervous. That also made me more nervous than I was after seeing the equipment.

Beomgyu finally opened his mouth to speak and well the answer ended up being something I didn't wanna hear not today not ever...
"I have it because this is basically keeping me alive," he said sitting down onto the bed.

"W-what?" I asked confused, maybe I heard it incorrectly?

Why would Beomgyu need hospital equipment, is he sick? how ill is he do have that? And what does he mean by the keeping alive part?? i felt sick to my stomach and was completely frozen unable to move.

We both were silent for a bit. I was too shocked to speak and beomgyu was too nervouse to speak. But well someone had to say something.

"I am ill Junnie," he said as he gripped onto his pants harshly.
"I am ill and so scared," he said, looking down, shivering, and biting his lip.

I felt my heart break to millions of little pieces. I was at a loss of words but I needed to say something. Plus maybe the situation isn't that bad. Maybe he can get rid of it soon. So I decided to reassure that it's going to be fine.
"Gyu, it's alrigh. Don't cry." I said as I sat next to him.

I turned my head to look at him with a tiny smile. He was trying not to cry again, I could tell. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Gyu you can tell me anything, I won't run away, I promise," i said calmly as I looked how the other boy's face turned to me slowly. He stared at me for a bit before he sighed and nodded. his attention was back to his lap where his hands were resting on. I took ahold of one of his hands and placed it onto my tight. I held his hand gently. The action made us both blush.

"O-okay well..." he started
"Ever since i was a child I have always been a sickly kid. So most of my childhood is spent inside my home, alone," he said looking up at me with shiny eyes.
"I thought it was normal to be in pain all the time and thought that everyone was like this as a child" Gyu said desperately.

"Until... i saw another kid in my garden" he said as he smiled a bit
"He ended up on my garden like you did, by accident..." he said looking into my eyes with a smile
"really? what is his name" I asked curiously.
"his name is Soobin, h-he used to be my best friend," he said sadly
"He is the boy on that photoftrame" he pointed at the photo frame with his free hand.

the photo had two kids on it, they were both smiling widely. The photo was very adorable and Gyu was so small and cute. Junnie thought as he smiled

"What about now? are you guys still friends?" i asked even thought the answer was probably gonna be no.. and i was indeed correct because the smaller shook his head slowly.
"it was a rough month and I lost basically everything" he said stiffening.
"I was just a small child a-and I-" he chouldn't finish due to his tears.

"Beom-" I was about to say his name but he didn't let me finish.
"It was so horrible Junnie, it hurt so much" he started sobbing and I quickly hugged him and patted his back softly.

I didn't know what to say I was still processing everything that was happening right now. Are we sure that this is not a dream. Somebody please pinch. If this isin't a dream then why does the world really hate me? I don't want Beomgyu to...

I quickly shook my head to get rid if these trashy thoughts. Because they really were stinky and instead asked something.
"Beommie what exactly happened?"

Beomgyu stayed silent for a bit possibly thinking how to make it as clear as possible. I alread knew it wasn't going to be anything good.

"M-my dad told Soobin about my worsening condition a-and Soobin couldn't belive and just left. he left because he didn't want to witness my death," he stopped to sob ever harder.

"A-and then my d-dad left me," he hugged me back completely overtaken by tears

We sat there holding eachothers for seconds, minutes and maybe even hours.
Am I really sure that any of this is real anymore? If this were do be indeed a bad dream like I suspected earlier then I hope it will end soon and I wake up to perfectly healthy Gyu waking me up to have a breakfast with me...

After awhile I finally decided to say something which ended up being the other boy's name "Beomgyu," the other didn't answer anything so I just continued...

"You are the most amazing person I have ever met Gyu. You are my EVERYTHING so I am not going ANYWHERE. I have no idea how I was able to survive without you before but I sure as hell cannot ever again continue living without having you near me. I have no idea what illness you have but it better leave or It is going to have to taste these guns." I let go of the hug and showed off my muscular arms and smirked proudly.

"Thank you..." Beomgyu said quietly and smiled tinily

"My illness was getting worse and more painful. Everytime I woke up to feeling absolutely exhausted but you made me somehow feel more alive than I ever felt...
Before you came I barely could get out of bed so my days were mainly spent in this room.
So I am extremely thankful to you. Maybe I will have a happy ending afterall," he said smiling looking down.

"Everytime I am around you I feel butterflies flying around in my stomach, and I think that I have fallen in love with you Yeonjun," Gyu said shily playing with his little fingers.

I had completely forgotten about our past conversations that we litreally just had about Beomgyus illness. All I could feel was my heart racing in my chest and before I knew it I had taken gently ahold of the smaller one's cute face and kissed him on the lips.

It felt unreal, neither of us wanted to end the kiss. Insane.
It was a Soft kiss at first but it ended up being more passionate and full of love.

The kiss ended with a hug and we laied down next to each other catching our breaths and hugging each other dearly.

Soon I fell asleep next to my little one with a smile plastered onto my face.

I AM SORRY EVERYONE, for taking so long with this chapter ;;
I have been having stressful school weeks but I finally managed to make another chapter.
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed ♡

Word count: 1348

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