The accident

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after passing a rest stop on the express way and passing thought the local town Skye felt a sudden urge her decision to not go while she could had come have the last laugh 

(Skye) hey dad um is there a rest stop nearby

(Arthur) not for another 10miles sunshine can you hold it

(Skye) yea yea

(Arthur) ok then

but after only another 3miles Skye was bursting and after only 2 mins later her bladder let go

Issac and Jacob looked at their older sister and her soaked clothes and the huge wet patch forming on the car seat as Skye busted into tears

(Ruth) its ok its ok sweetheart

Arthur pulled the car on to the side of the road as Ruth got out to help her daughter

(Jacob) mommy did Skye just wet herself

(Ruth) No Skye just had a little accident

after a few minutes Skye finally calmed down and begun to speak

(Skye) I'm sorry i didn't mean to 

(Ruth) its ok we know we didn't mean to

(Skye) are you mad at me

(Ruth) no sweetheart accidents happen

(Arthur) but i think we should put you in some of these as Arthur got some of Issac's Pull ups i don't want anymore accidents like this on the way

(Skye) WHAT im not a baby it was just a accident 

(Ruth) we know honey but its for the good

After a bit of convincing Skye finally agreed to put on one of issac's pull ups 

(Skye) these are so tight are you sure i cant just change into some of my spare clothes 

(Arthur) unfortunately not anyway besides if this is what you say it is just a accident you will only need to wear these once right

(Skye) i guess so

(Arthur) That's my Skye 

after changing into one of her younger brothers pull ups in the back of the car Skye got back in the car and the family continued on their journey to there Great Grandmothers house

The end

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