Chapter 4

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When we went to the backstage, the band was there waiting for us. Axl said:
- Hi, come sit here with us!!

Me and Daniel stared at each other confused, but we accepted (of course, we were so happy!). Daniel started talking with slash, his favorite member of the band, and I was talking with Axl because he started talking to me.

- Let's go somewhere- Axl said to me without anyone hear it.
- Where?!?- I asked confused, and scared, to be honest.
- I don't know, just somewhere out of here, I wanna be alone with you- he said with his little smile, I couldn't say no, he's so cute!

We went to the stage, but with no crowd this time.
- I don't even know your name yet- Axl said.

- Oh, I'm Lucy, sorry I didn't say it before.

- It's okay, honey, don't worry.- He said with the hottest way possible, omg this man he's sooo hot- How old are you? You seem pretty young huh?

- I'm fifteen...- I said, afraid that he didn't want talk to me anymore 'cause I was just a kid

- Oh yeah??- he said, smiling

- Yeah... Hope it doesn't matter...

-Why would it matter??

-I don't know...

After a few minutes Axl asked:

-Do you wanna go to a party we 're gonna do before we leave? I invite you.

- I don't know if my parents are gonna let me...

- Okay, record me on your phone-

- What, why??

Okay, he started begging my parents for let me go with him, and I started laughing, he's so cute omg

- Okay I need to go, Daniel's mom is gonna freak out!

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