Chapter 3

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Finally the show started, and we were in the first line!!
When the show started, I started crying, I was finally seeing my favorite band, and I saw Axl, I never felt so good in my life, I never felt something like that, it was awesome.

- Oh, you're crying?!? Wow, you really love them- Daniel said with a smile.

- Yeah, don't make fun of me- and we started laughing at each other.

During the show, I noticed that Axl was staring at me, but i didn't know if it was me or other person, because there was millions of people in the show, so I thought that was probably not me

The show ended, and the crowd was leaving, but we were in the first line so we had to wait to leave the place. While we were waiting, a man (from the production) come and asked if we could go to the backstage, the band wanted to talk with us.

Unforgettable💞Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz