59 - Accident

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Manik came in the garage........He realized that he took Nandini's car keys by mistake as their cars and keys are same just a little bit change was the keychains but in hurry he didn't noticed that.........He thought to take this car only because he don't want to waste more time and had to complete the meeting fast so he can come back soon.........So he called her and told that he is taking her car and drove to his meeting venue..........

He hummed starting the music and smiled hearing her playlist............

Soon he was near his destination ..........He looked at the road and saw a truck coming he tried to apply brakes but it didn't worked so he turned the stearing........he got panicked realizing that the breaks were failed...........

Manik : What should I do........

He muttered worriedly............He was scared of death..........he didn't want to die.......He want to live not for himself but for Nandini.........he want to live with her .........

He tried to apply brakes .......... they didn't work..........

He immediately called Atharv...........

Manik : Hello Hello Atharv........listen to me without getting panic .........

He said as soon as Atharv picked the call........

His voice was serious so Atharv let him speak........

Manik : I am going to xyz road you come there quickly..............my car's brakes are failed .......come there soon......

He said driving towards that road which was half hour away from where he was currently.........he told that because it was a secluded road so no one would be harmed there and also he informed Atharv so that he would be saved atleast...........

Atharv : I am coming there immediately ..........I won't let anything happen to you yaar.........

He said standing from his place and ran towards the main door of MM and without informing anyone he left from there.........his voice was showing how much worried he is........

Manik : Yeah please don't tell Nandini to anything..........she will get worried..........

He said and when Atharv said yes he disconnected the call.........

Manik : Oh god please save me.........I don't want to die........I want to live my life with Nandini........I know she also loves me.......what will happen to her without me..........Please save me........

He prayed..........He wasn't worried for himself but for Nandini this time also........He loved her truly..........

After sometime he reached the place and looked around seeing no one there he turned the car towards the tree.........The car crashed with the tree ........His head banged with the steering and he lost his consciousness there.........


Atharv and Daksh shouted his name seeing it they stopped their cars and ran towards him.........Atharv had called Daksh on the way.........they opened the door hurriedly ....

Atharv : Manik Manik.........

He panicked ..........seeing the blood on his head.........

Daksh : Lets take him to the hospital immediately Atharv........

He himself was worried to hell he had to handle the situation.......Atharv nodded and they lift him and took him to the car and drove to the hospital..........


6 PM

Nandini with Gaurav and Gauri was sitting in the living room and Anjali and Ishaan were also with them as Ishaan came this morning.......

Nandini whole attention was on the door ........she was waiting for Manik........she was hell worried as she was feeling something bad was going to happen.........

She tried Manik's number numerous time but he wasn't receiving the call which was making her more worried.........

Gauri : He will be back soon Nandini........Don't take tension.........

She said caressing her head..........

Nandini nodded ........Taking God's name she tried once again his number...........

Nandini : Hello Hello Manik......where are you why were you not picking my phone haan........I was so worried.......

She said standing from the couch as the call was received............

Fortis Hospital

Sitting outside the ICU Atharv looked at the Manik's phone which was ringing continuously while Manik's treatment was going on in the ICU from the last 2 hours...........

Daksh looked at Atharv and kept his hand on his shoulder..........

Daksh : Pick the call Atharv ........Nandini must be worried for him.......also we have to inform her anyhow........

He said and nodding at him Atharv picked the call.........

He heard her worried voice..........

Atharv : Bhabhi its me Atharv...........

He replied ..........she frowned..........

Nandini : Atharv Bhai.......you.......why Manik's phone is with you .......where is he........tell me.......what happened.....He is fine right.......... Say something Bhai...........

She raised her voice at last..........

Atharv : Voh.......Voh .........Can you please come to the Fortis hospital.........his accident..........his treatment is going on..........

He said controlling himself from crying..........

Nandini : Hum........Hum aa......rahe hai........

She whisphered..........and the call disconnected.........


Nandini : Hum .......Hum aa.....rahe hai........

All looked at her worried face.........

Nandini : Maa.......Maa........Manik.......Manik......his acci........accident......... For.... Fortis Hospital..........

All stood from their seats in shock..........

Gaurav : Lets go there immediately............

He said and they nodded and left for the hospital together........ Nandini's tried to stay strong as much as she can...........

Nandini : Nahi ho sakta tumhe kuch Manik..........

She whisphered painfully clutching her mangalsutra sitting in the car..........Gauri hugged her side ways .........

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