11 - Relatives

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2 days before the Wedding day

Morning, At 7 AM

Gauri came in Nandini's room after preparing the breakfast early as the relatives started coming from today...... Some close ones will stay here in Murthy House while the other will stay in hotels.........

Gr : Nandini get up bacha.........its 7 already ........get up na.........

She said pulling the blanket from Nandini who frowned and pulled the blanket back.......

Nandini : mom bas 5 minutes........

Gr : no 5 minutes ..........get up fast don't you know who coming today......

Listening this she got up with a jerk........

Nandini : OMG Nerdy and Lona are coming today............

She said squealing.......

Gauri sighed...........

Gr : you all grew up so much but yet didn't stopped calling each other with those names..........At least call them with names now otherwise what will your in laws with think of you.......

Nandini : offo Mom you know na why I call them that..........

She said frowning..........

Gauri laughed remembering that why they have kept those silly names for each other..........

Gr : Haan haan..........I know..........

Nandini also joined her in laugh..........

Sitting beside Nandini, Gauri said........

Gr : Bacha you know you are so lucky that you got the world's best man as your husband......... he cares for you so much......... just think who thought for your comfort so that you can stay with you parents , how much you would mean to him......... Always stay with him through the thick and thins Nandini.......never ever leave his side and hurt him .......... Because such a good man we have less in the world and hurting the good people means we are hurting the god........... hmmm.......

She said seriously and Nandini listened her attentively and nodded..........

Nandini : I promise I won't hurt him.........

She said and gauri smiled..........

Gr : Acha now get ready fast they will be arriving anytime.......

She said and kissing her forehead and left the room........

Nandini was going towards the washroom when her phone ringed........she smiled knowing whose call it might be........

Every morning after their engagement he calls her when he woke up and every night before sleeping.........

She looked at her phone and smiled seeing the video call from Manik and she remembered he gave her the reason for the morning and night video calls..........he said that he wanted to start and end his day by looking at her face only......

She picked the call and smiled blissfully ...........

Manik : Good morning meri jaan..........

Manik : Good morning meri jaan

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