Ch 2 Reborn

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3rd Person

Cadell Vritra stood to the side, watching everything with his naturally indifferent attitude, Scythe Dragoth right next to him. Scythe Melzri stood high above us, watching the experiment with a frown. Scythe Viessa, stood next to newest scythe, Seris Vritra with her hand on her shoulder to as to stop her from moving closer.

This wasn't the first time the scythes had been called to witness one of Agrona's sickening experiments. The next would always be more disturbing than the last.

Medical tools that looked more like torture tools were hanging on the wall of the dungeon Agrona had called a Lab, blood was splattered on the floor staining the ground partially crimson red.

Despite one or two of them feeling disgusted, they didn't dare show that in front of the other scythes and especially not the High Sovereign himself, for they feared it would reward them something akin to what Agrona was doing right now.

Some stood stiffly with almost the same emotionless expressions. Blood trickled down from whatever was inside that capsule. Nobody knew what sort of experiment was going on here, but considering Cadell Vritra was here, it must have been dangerous.

However they were all taken out of their musing by a low chuckle which then turned into laughter. They all turned their heads to Agrona, the High Sovereign himself, only to see a disturbingly maniacal grin threaten to split his face.

Minutes trickled by as they all stood in silence none daring to speak before the High Sovereign. Silently, he stepped away from the capsule. Black flames erupted from his hands, consuming the gloves before disappearing, and loosing his previous grin as the atmosphere now returned to being tense as if he was waiting for something to happen.

Cadell Vritra, silent up until now, finally spoke while slightly bowing as to not seem disrespectful "my lord without disrespect" whatever it is he had begun to say was interrupted by what seemed to be a black blur to the naked eye and it had gone straight for the High Sovereign himself.

Cadell Pov

The High Sovereign merely swatted away the blur with a backhand. In front us now layed a half conscious child, judging by his facial features as well as his height he couldn't have been any older than 7, so how was it that he had moved so fast? it wasn't that i couldn't see him but with how unexpected this was and without my body being augmented at all i hadn't reacted in time.

The boy looked to have smooth almost sickly pale skin and a sharp jaw, he has vibrant scarlett eyes and, although they were rather small as they were now, had 4 horns sprouting from behind his ears through his wheat blonde hair. Two of which were shiny and black that went upwards similar to the High Sovereign's albeit a little different. However it was his other 2 horned that confused me for they were not black, no, they were beige almost white in colour and went down towards his chin

After getting past our momentary confusion, we had jumped just in front of the High Sovereign to defend him in case of an Asuran attack, however it was unnecessary for Agrona let out yet another chuckle that seemed to echo all around us. He then took a step in front of us.

"Hello Grey. Id like to welcome you to our world" Agrona spoke in a silky smooth voice as he took yet another, albeit small, step towards our unknown assailant.

The boy looked up and regarded each of us with a curious glance before looking back at Agrona.

"who or what are you" his shaky voice came out rather coarse which had puzzled even him before taking a look down and at himself, most likely to assess the damage done to the Sovereigns previous attack

Grey Pov

'all i could remember was being betrayed by my only two friends as well as being killed by one before drifting into what seemed like a never ending abyss, and now i'm in a body of an eight year old child not even the tiniest bit similar to how i had looked before stood in front of what i could only describe as demons, the embodiments of evil'. However there was something else I could hear it. It was whispering to me, trying to tempt me. It talked to me, calling itself aether. I couldn't see it, but I could feel its grand' almost endless power.

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