Then, they received the message that the delegation has entered the building. They braced for their entrance to the room. Eventually, a knock was heard and the delegation entered the room.

They took their seats and then, the meeting has begun.

Haki then said, "Since the delegation has arrived, I would like to start the meeting. My name is Haki Blæsson, the Prime Minister of Chiruna. It's a pleasure to meet you all here."

Leena then stood up, "It is my pleasure too. My name is Princess Leena Olacaryn. This young man here is Adam Dale, a diplomat, the man with a mustache is Lieutenant General Phillips Clerk, a representative from our army and the bearded man is Admiral Ulric Etton, a representative from the navy."

"From this, we may start with the first topic. Mr. Ljornsson?", Haki says to Erik.

"Yes, your excellency. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Erik Ljornsson, the Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture. The first topic I would talk about is regarding our current wheat imports. Our nation is known to be self-sufficient in terms of livestock and animals like sheeps and cods but not in grains like wheat and barley.

Due to the geographical features of our nation, growing grains has been hard in our country so we could manage to only fulfill 60% of our grains requirement.

What I'm trying to say here is that we're in need of grains from your nation. Do not worry about transporting them, we will provide some of our machineries to help. This would benefit both of our nations as we would get the grains and some of our citizens could get out of unemployment, while your nation will get some of our machineries with our guidance."

Adam had to ask, "How much grains do we have to provide you all?"

"It is around 25,000 tons."

Adam, not knowing what unit is 'tons', replied, "Excuse me, but our nations don't use tons so we don't know how much is that. We do use baskets for small amounts and sacks for larger amounts."

Erik replies, "Well if that's the case, it would be approximately 500,000 sacks."

"If that's the amount, then our nation could provide it, due to receiving blessings from the gods. I believe your nations would help in transporting them?"

"Yes, we would."

Adam then asked his fellow delegates, they all nodded in approval, and replied, "Then my nation would accept this proposal."

"I'm glad to hear that", said Erik, who then sat down after finishing the topic he spoke.

Haki then stood up and spoke, "Well, I'm also glad I won't just eat cod all the time, it kinda gets tiring. Anyways, onto the next topic, which would be presented by the delegation. Do you have anything to talk about?"

The Marinseans discussed between them, then had a proposal to make. Leena stood up and says, "We do have one, which is regarding our neighbour, the Imperia Romadia."

Haki couldn't help but feel worry at what the topic could be about. Even the nation itself sounds hegemonic.

Haki responds, "Go on..."

"Recently, about four weeks ago, the Romadians have been building up their troops on our borders. We worry of an invasion due to them conquering the former smaller nations around them. If it's possible, we would like for you to send in some of your troops for this matter."

There it is. The one thing Haki didn't want his nation to be involved in. War, just after their transferrance.

Although the nation did send their troops overseas for peacekeeping purposes, they never involved themselves in actual war. Haki wanted to stay out of conflicts if possible. But the current situation would prevent him from doing so.

Haki says, "Well uh... Excuse me for a minute", before turning to the Minister of Defence, Annika Flókadóttir, for advice, "Ms. Flókadóttir, do we have the capabilities to go to war right now?"

"Well, if we were to send our troops in now, the Rapid Response Brigade would arrive first, in a week, then the reinforcements would finish arriving a week later. If the Romadians have medieval technologies, then it is safe to assume that they would probably not be a threat to our troops if it doesn't come to a hand-to-hand combat."

Haki was a bit relieved hearing the statement, then said thanks to her before turning back to the delegation, saying "My nation would be able to send our soldiers to your nation for defence purposes..."

The delegation widened their eyes in shock, finally receiving help for this situation.

"...but I would need to get the Rusamlingi to agree to the proposal, so it would take a couple of days before we would send in our soldiers to your mainland."

Their faces were a bit disappointed but understood the meaning behind it.

The meeting eventually ends on 9:45 A.M, managing to achieve multiple objectives such as planning the trades between the two nations, transferring some of the Chirunan technologies (except for core ones) to Marinse and much more.

Even though they did discuss about sending in forces to Marinse for defense, it would take another meeting for the Rusamlingi to decide.

But the threat of the Romadians looms closer...

???, ???

Deep in a dark room, with candles being the only source of light, lies a group of figures discussing something.

"Are the preparations ready?"

"They are, my Liege. It would start in two weeks time."

"Great... Now I could finally achieve what my ancestors have tried and failed... Uniting this continent under our banner!"

He laughs evily as his plans for domination is achieved...

But unfortunately, something would stand in their way.

A/N: 5th chapter, yay. anyways, stay hydrated and I'll see you next weekend maybe.

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