"As a matter of fact yes, "Klaus said with a smile,


"I don't think that she would be happy to see us?"Ben said as the 7 of them sat in front of her house.

Diego snorted "She? More like us aren't happy to see her. But it's not like we have any other alternative"

"Here's go nothing, "Five said as he knocked at her door.

They waited a few seconds until the door opened revealing Allison. "Five? Everyone?" she asked confused when she saw her family. "What are you doing here?"

"We don't have time for pleasantries. We need your help."

Allison nodded and she surprisingly let them enter. Everyone walked inside and was led to the living room where they sat down where they could. Let's just say that the atmosphere was very uncomfortable.

"Do you live alone?"Viktor asked after a few minutes of silence, trying to be polite.

"No. With my husband and daughter." Hmm. Apparently, she got the life she wished for. Shame that she had to betray her own family to get her. "You said that you want my help. What for?"

"Do you still have your powers?"Luther asked directly avoiding looking at her. "And don't lie"

"Ahh... Yes, I do. Why? You don't?"

"Don't pretend that you didn't know what that machine did when you decided to ally with our father"Five said as he glared at her. "But it doesn't matter anymore. What's done is done. What we want is for you to help us get our powers back"

Allison raised an eyebrow. Well, that was the last thing she expected to hear. And she doesn't like the sound of that "Why?"

"Because we want to get back to our timeline. Or at least the Sparrow Timeline" Klaus said.

Allison snorted as she heard that. "Wow. You are all so selfish. We finally have a normal life and you all want to ruin it all over again"

"We have normal lives?"Diego asked angrily as he stood up. "You are the one who has what she wanted. At the cost of our lives. If its someone here selfish then it's you bitch"

Oh wow. That was unexpected. Five snorted. "What so funny you little brat?"Allison asked and everyone tensed as the boy turned to look at her darkly.

"Oh, nothing. I remembered something funny that I heard this morning. Oh and by the way. You are really a selfish bitch. We didn't ask you to come with us in the timeline to ruin your oh-so-precious life. Just help us. That's all. After all. We are your family"

Allison snorted. "You talk about family. But you are the one who left us for the first time. Have you forgotten?" The others looked back and forth from Five to Allison not knowing if they should intervene or not. 

"It's not like I wanted to leave you. I just wanted to rove our father what I'm capable of. I didn't ask to be stuck in the Apocalypse. Plus as you can see I come back to you all and saved your asses"

"Oh, bo ho. The baby got caught at the end of the world. You know. I'm tired to hear the same shit over and over. Get over it. Plus you did come back. Only to ruin our lives"

Viktor stood up ready to defend his brother but Five didn't let him speak. "I did everything to save all your asses even though you are all ungrateful.  If I still had my powers I would have trapped you in the Apocalypse for a few days to show you how is it there. "he said darkly and everyone shivered. "And yes. Maybe trapping you in the 60s wasn't exactly the best solution. But you are still alive. And you all piss me off so much that I want to get away from all of you. But at least I didn't tell my brother that I should have left him in the basement. And I was unhappy too. But if I was you and had your powers, I wouldn't have rumored my own brother to make out with me, you disgusting bitch", she spat.

The umbrella academy: In which Five gets all the love he deservesWhere stories live. Discover now