"That's going to be hard, you love my jokes." She says and I smiled and patted her hand gently and let it go as I tried to sit up.

"No, none of that." She tells me as she put her hands on me gently and I look at her.

"It hurts... laying down." I tell her and she looked to the door as Ruby walked in.

"Can you help me sit her up?" Clem asked her and Ruby looks at me and nods as she sets the cup on the nightstand. They help me get up and I help as best as I could and once, I was up right I looked to see that I was in the spare bedroom in my trailer. I sighed as I looked to both of them and then I see AJ over by the side.

"He, ok?" I asked them quietly.

"I think you should ask him." Ruby tells me and I sigh but nod in agreement at this. I look around some more and then at Clementine.

"Was... was Louis here?" I asked her and she nods.

"Yea, he found you in the woods, he helped Ruby and then he brought you here... do you remember what happened?" She asked me and I take the time to think.

"Guy named Nate... we found a fully stocked gun shop and this guy comes behind us." I tell them and then took a drink of the water.

"Said he knew Russell from a few years back." I mutter.

"Really?" She asked and I nod.

"Could have been a different Russell but I could be wrong." I explained.

"Anyway, uh... Nate said for us to put our hands up, things get out of hand and we end up running. I told AJ to run and he did... and... I got shot at some point." I say and pinched the bridge of my nose and looked to Clementine and Ruby.

"That's all I can remember." I tell them both, honest to God that was all I could remember.

"Ok... well we need to be on the look out for this guy and we need to find some medicine at least." Ruby says and I look at her.

"I agree with the looking out part but the medication is fine, I don't need any." I tell her.

"You think that now but what if the pain gets worse? I have no clue how badly your insides are damaged and I sure as hell won't be opening you up unless you have something to numb the pain." She says and I look to Clementine as she looked to me.

"She has a point, Violet; we just want you to get better." She says and I sigh in defeat and nod.

"Ok, but I doubt we can find any medicine that isn't expired." I tell them.

"Now I ain't the type to suggest this but what if we find some weed?" Ruby says and I laughed. It began to hurt so I grabbed my stomach and felt hands on me. I waved them off and leaned my back into the headboard.

"And what will that do?" I asked.

"Could help you loosen up, it's different with others but it might even help you sleep." She says and I shake my head.

"Wish we had that but I think I am fine, I can deal with this, ok? trust me." I tell her and she nods.

"It was a suggestion... if we ever found any that is." She says and I nod and leaned my head back.

"Could go for a cigarette though." I mutter.

"Like hell you'll be smoking, none of that or drinking you understand me?" I look to Clementine as she told me this. I looked to my lap and sighed just a bit and nod at this.

"Ok... yea you are right, I shouldn't." I tell her and she nods.

"Damn right." She says and I chuckled at this. We sat for a bit and I finished drinking the water.

The Walking Dead Eye For An Eye: TrilogyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang