Anakin leans out of the pod to see what Vader means and nods. "Thanks."

Vader glares at Sebulba. He always wondered why his pod didn't start. He wanders back to the stands where an agitated Padme stood, reprimanding Qui-gon. She turned to him. "And what of you, Lord Vader? Do you agree with the Jedi?"

Vader simply chuckles. "I'll let you in on a secret to ease your nerves young handmaiden. That boy is force sensitive."

Padme is shocked. "Are you sure?"

"Positive." Vader affirms "He will be just fine. No one truly knows how the force works, but it is,t more often than not, helpful. Trust me, Anakin will make it out of this not only alive, but free."

They sit down as one of the commentators introduced Jabba the Hutt, who officially started the race.

Vader admits, although it could never measure against the feeling of being in the race, watching had its own appeal. There are a few mishaps, as is natural in such a dangerous sport, along with Sebulba's cheating and... them. The savages. When they appear, many spectators shift away. But it is nothing that his younger self can't handle. He is still angry after the race, however. They all went down to congratulate Anakin. That's when Sebulba decides to pounce on Anakin and accuse him of cheating. He raises his fist(?) and prepares to strike Anakin. But then he suddenly feels cold, alone, and afraid. He turns to see Darth Vader staring down at him. All he had to do was utter one simple word, and it shakes the Dug to his core. "Don't." Sebulba shakily nods and runs away. Although it was a simple thing, Vader enjoyed terrifying Sebulba, and it helped elevate his mood after seeing the Tuskens. He doesn't want to traumatise himself, either. No matter,Maul will be here soon. Something to look forward to, he supposed.

Vader, Padme and the droids begin making their way back to the ship after Watto reluctantly gives over the remote for the control chip in his slaves and the ship parts they needed. Installing the parts would take the better part of a day, giving Anakin and his mother time to pack some things. They are even able to bring C-3PO along with them, something that pleases young Anakin to no end. On the way, Vader contemplates what he would do when Maul shows up. He thinks back to when he last saw him, on Malachor. He wasn't able to confront him then, his focus was on the holocron, but he saw him flee. Maul had looked back, then. And Vader saw something in his eyes. Behind the hatred and resentment that Vader knew too well, there was fear. Not fear for himself. For the boy. The apprentice that wanted the holocron. There was an understanding in those eyes, a compassion. Not to mention his file. When Vader heard rumours of Maul's survival, he found every scrap of information he could, even things he wasn't supposed to know. Taken from Dathomir when he was just a boy, and conditioned to follow Sidious' commands to a fault. He never knew Sidious' true identity or plans. Not even his own name. Vader knew he couldn't kill him. Maul has too much potential, too much promise. There is good, hidden deep within him. Right now his hatred is unfocused, and that makes him weak. Without a target, anger on its own is pointless. If Vader turned Maul away from Sidious, plant doubt in his mind, he could become a great ally. More than the tool Sidious has turned him into. He will help Maul, in any way he can.

And with that thought, he begins installing the parts. After a lot of work, and no breaks, the hyperdrive is finally finished, and Vader can sense Qui-gon, Shmi and Anakin approaching. And they were being followed. Vader rushes out of the ship and runs towards Maul. He called out to Qui-gon and Anakin. "Get to the ship!" He ignites his lightsaber as Maul leapt from his speeder and they clash. Vader expertly deflected each of Maul's attacks, angering the Zabrak further. Vader had to do this, and quickly. "Tell me, what is your goal?"

Maul growled out a reply. "Vengeance."

"Against who? The Jedi? What have they done to you?" Vader shot back. He could hear the ship starting up.

Maul stated plainly. "It is my master's will."
Vader saw his opportunity. He takestook his chance to convince Maul of Palpatine's manipulations. "Do you know your master's name?" Crash! "His agenda?" Crash! "His plans for you?" He forces Maul to his knees and with each strike, confusion is etched deeper into his opponent's face. Vader hammers the final nail in the coffin. "Has he ever told you your name?" And with that he force pushes Maul back into a large stone, rendering him stunned.

The ship passes over him, so he extinguishes his lightsaber and uses the force to propel himself onto the ramp as the ship flies away from Maul. The Skywalkers rush over to him, with Anakin asking if he was alright. He calmly dismisses their concerns, saying he was fine.

Obi-wan stood off to the side of the exchange with Qui-gon, looking skeptical. "Friend of yours?"

Vader stood and brushed himself off. "Hardly. It appears we have a tail."

Qui-gon steps forward. "He appeared trained in the Jedi arts. Most likely after the Queen. The sooner we reach Coruscant the better. I'll alert the pilot."

Vader's second chance حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن