14. NYC with Dark Brown Locks

Start from the beginning

We had a small gig tonight at a bar a few blocks away.
Once we reached the street we all locked arms gossiping about random shit before reaching the bar.

"Okay s-so we all know what w-we're doing right" ambers nerves getting the better of her as she finished organising whatever it was she was organising. Amber had a bad stutter since she was a baby, though her anxiety made it much worse.

"Yes!!!" Me and Marie said in union

"You stress to much girl" Marie shook her head laughing, pointing towards amber.

Amber rolled her eyes before ensuring everything was in place...


I sat in front of the piano with the mic in front of me. I'd usually do a solo then amber and Marie would join in on the next performances.

Once the curtains opened I took a deep breath and let me fingers find their way on the keys of the piano, from there my voice followed out softly.

Song - Your song, Ellie Goulding.

I wrote this song after the incident by the lake.
I don't know why I did but It helped writing out my feelings. The only connection he has with my present life is through my music. Other than that, I keep him locked away in my past.

As I let the full words flow out through the crowd I opened my eyes scanning the different souls looking up at me. I saw Logan standing with amber and Marie behind the curtains, seeming both bored yet intrigued all at once.

My heart fluttered slightly as I let the words flow thinking who they really were about, I think Logan believed they were for him. I didn't mind that though.

I don't know why but after he left I started to fall more and more for him even though he was no where to be seen, even though I barley knew him, I don't know why but I just needed to express how I felt and the only way I could do that was through music.
I sat up late so many nights through the past 4 years just thinking of ways to get him out of my mind.

I felt comfort in the fact that no soul will ever know who this song is truly about.

I opened my eyes as I let the last few words flow out like waves along the shore.
I took a deep breathe as the crowd applauded me, this was the first time I've ever actually sang this song in front of a crowd, and it seemed they loved it just as much as I did.

I scanned the crowd watching as strangers smiled up at me nodding their heads in approval.

As I was finishing off I turned my head in the direction of bars entrance...a man....standing frozen, ready to leave the bar.

We locked eyes and within seconds, which felt like hours...he turned, storming out into the city's lonely streets.
Was I dreaming? I don't think I saw what I think I saw but without thinking, I ran off stage and busted out into the cold city streets, I looked either way and couldn't see anyone, and like a scene from a movie...I chose a direction and just walked as fast as I could.

I could see the mans back walking away as fast as he could, he glanced over his shoulder not daring to make eye contact with me before turning around and brushing me off like another random in the city.

I ran as fast as I could, trying my best to catch up to him. Deep down I know it's not him but god would I never forgive myself if I didn't at least make sure I was right.

He was too fast so I used the next best thing.
My voice.

"Hey!!" I roared out louder than I had planned.

His foot came to a screeching holt at once, his hands fiddled with his fingers, stiffening at his sides.
Just when I thought I had made a mistake by misplacing a random man with the one I so secretly longed for...he turned...

My eyes faded shades darker than humanly possible, my chest clenched as if my bones had smashed together, rubbing against one another, my stomach hung low, churning and twisting together like water and oil...

It was him

4 years it's been since I've seen those forested green eyes.

"Do you need something?" He questioned with that beautiful accent I had never let myself forget. But god had I forgotten how his voice made me feel.

He can't be serious? Does he even remember me?
Why would he May? You were never anything, you were merely strangers who crossed paths a few times. Nothing more.

"Uh- no I-Uh I thought you were someone else, never mind" I spat out feeling an intense pain shoot through me...

I turned on my heels as fast as I could. I couldn't bare being so close knowing he remembered nothing of me. How do you forget saving someone's life?

No I can't let this happen I can't give him the satisfaction of forgetting me.

I scrambled all my thoughts together and forgot any common sense I had left. I stopped for a few seconds before turning back around.

"Actually, no I- I Uh my names May, Maybelle? You don't- You don't remember me?"

He said nothing...I could see in his eyes he remembered exactly who I was.

I could see a hint of stiffness present in his eyes. Why won't he talk?
Silence filled the cold air for what felt like an eternity.

"You just gonna ignore me then?"


"Look at me!"

He kept his eyes glued to the pavement below.

Before I knew it I had picked up an empty beer bottle off the dirt painted concrete and threw it in his direction, just missing him.

"That's enough!" His voice piercing the air like a jet travelling at the speed of light.

"You shouldn't be here May"

"Why? You gonna leave again huh?"

"No it's not safe right now". He grunted while running his fine fingers through his dark brown locks.

"It's not safe? I think I can handle myself Grey, but hey thanks for the concern" my voice coming out more of a sarcastic laugh than anything else.

Before I could even play out what the hell I was gonna do next I heard a loud roar like thunder being fired all around me, my heart sank into my stomach as fear overtook my body, I heard screaming and shouting, yet I couldn't see anything, there was to much commotion to even understand what was happening.

I felt a sharp pain in the side of my stomach before I crashed into the cold pavement. For a split second I truly believe I had been hit by lightening, because to me, that would've been more believable...

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