Meeting Family PT 1 (Fluff)

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Art by: merowthewolf
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Requested by: No one

(This is my AU, if you would like to know more about it I'm making a book on my multiverse.)

"Glitchy~ I have some awesome news!" Ink shouted to Error from the next room.

"Hm? What is it squid?" Error said boredom lacing his voice.

"You're going to be meeting my family today, surprise!" Ink said skipping into the room, throwing his hands up dramatically.

"Wait? What!" Error shouted in surprise.

"Yeah, your gonna meet my parents and my siblings!" Ink said still as happy as earlier, heading into the storage room.

"W- Ink you can't just say that and leave the room!" Error said more annoyed then surprised.

"What? It's not a big deal Error I met your brothers, so I figured you could meet mine along with my parents."

"Ink you may not realize this but, meeting your partner's family is a big deal! Besides I honestly didn't think you had a family."

"Wait, Error did you really assume I was a homeless hobo or something?" Ink said sounding offended.

"Heh, kinda." Error said teasingly with a smirk, recovering slightly from his earlier anxiety.

"Well I'll have you know my brothers and I were adopted, so we are not homeless hobos." Ink said matter a factly.

"So you weren't hobo's but you were homeless?" Error said with a grin, happy with his partial victory. "Anyway when do we need to leave, you said today right?"

"Yup! We leave in a half hour." Ink chirped.

Error sighed at the little time he had to get ready, and headed to their shared room to get ready. Error stepped to the mirror to admire his look, being satisfied with the clothes he chose he headed to the living room, to find Ink in the most peculiar clothes; a green dress shirt with black splatters at the end of his sleeves, a blue cape, and a brown pair of shorts that like the shirt had black splatters at the bottoms, along with a pair of suspenders.

"Um, Squid, don't take this the wrong way but what the heck are you wearing?" Error said trying to understand what he was looking at, he had seen Ink in his fair share of odd clothing, but this had to be the weirdest by far.

"I'm wearing my show clothes, we all decided that since we haven't all been together in one place for years that we should wear our show clothes and preform again! That's why I'm so excited your going to love this!" Ink cheered.

"Preform? What do you mean prefor-" Error started before getting cut off by Ink.

"Come on Error we need to hurry or we'll be late!" Ink said oblivious to the puzzled looking Error.

"Okay let's go then." Error said as he stepped out the door, Ink following in tow and once outside swiped his brush, creating a portal.

As Error exited the portal he was greeted to a massive circus tent, which confused him to say the least.

Are we meeting at the circus or somewhere else in this Au? Error thought, but was pulled out of his thoughts as Ink tugged him to the large orange and yellow striped tent.

Error and Ink walked into the large and spacious tent, Ink still tugging him along but less urgently than previously. Both of them stoped and took in their surroundings; the colorful arena stage where the cirky preformed, the high trapeze that attached to giant poles hundreds of feet tall that also held the colorful cloth up, the dizzying colors that where in every direction, and the delicious smell of freshly popped popcorn at one of the vender booth's.

"Oh how I missed this place." Ink said fondly, pausing to take in the familiar tent. "Anyway let's not dottle, come on Error, they aren't in the main tent so let's go to their trailer!" Ink cheered, and walked through the spacious tent and to one of the side wings that lead to the circus yard.

"Wait Ink do your parents work at this circus?"

"No, they own the circus silly!" Ink smiled. "Oh there's their trailer!" Ink said excitedly jogging to the familiar trailer. When they reached the trailer Ink pulled out a pair of keys and took a glance at Error, who looked slightly nervous.

Sighing Ink turned to Error and gave him a hug.

"Don't worry Error they'll like you." Ink said with a gentle smile.

"Thanks Ink," Error huffed still nervous, "Sometimes I wish I was as confident as you."

"Well truthfully I got my confidence from my role in the circus, and I guess that looking death in the eye a few times helps build confidence." Ink said embarrassed at the mention of his near death experiences, as admittedly they could have been avoided if he were to be more cautious.

"Your still nervous aren't you?" Ink said sympathetically, tightening his hold on Error.

"A little." Error said looking to the side. Ink released Error from the hug, then grabbed his hand pulling him away from the trailer.

"Ink where are we going? Are we leaving, I still want to meet your family." Error said alarmed. Ink didn't answer him untill they were far away from the trailer.

"We are going to shake off your nerves." Ink claimed.

"We're going to what now?" Error said surprised.

"Shake off your nerves." Ink replied.
"I heard you, but how are we going to do that?"

"Just do what I do." Ink instructed, then started to shake his body; starting with his arms while counting to 10, then ending with his legs still counting.

"Yeah, no."

"Error I know it looks silly but it really does help, I used to do this before my act so I wasn't nervous, infact my entire family does it!" Ink said with a giggle.

"Alright." Error said with a sigh, doing as Ink instructed him.

"Okay now let's get to some stretch's." Ink said doing the splits.

"Wh- I can't do that." Error said looking at Ink in awe. "How did you do that?"

"I stretch like this all the time Error. How else would I be so quick, and slippery?" Ink said amused at Errors shocked face.

"So that's why your so hard to catch." Error repeated in realization.

"Well I don't think your nervous anymore so let's go." Ink said standing up and walking in the direction of the trailer, with Error following behind him. Ink walked up the steps to the trailer door, turning to look at Error to make sure he was ready, Error nodded in response to Ink's silent question, then entered the trailer.

Hah! Cliffhanger! Part 2 to this coming soon. Also I am thinking of writing a book about my multiverse. So, if I were to write it, would you all be interested?
1035 words

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