Your Gone..? (Angst)

501 10 14

Inspired by the picture above!

Requested by: No one

-character death
-not my art
-rushed towards the end

~Ink pov~

Today is the day! I'm going to confess my feelings for Error!
Ever since our truce a year ago me and Error have been hanging out as friends, but I have known for a long time even before we made the truce that I loved him. I always felt so happy around him; It almost felt like I could really truly feel. He's all I can think about these days, I even have around 13 paintings of him from when my mind wandered while I painted. My favorite of all of them though, hands down had to be the one I painted this morning. It was a painting of one of the rare times I'd actually seen him smile, I really wished he would smile like that all the time, it looked good on him.

I'm so excited, I wonder what he'll say! I thought happily. I wasn't necessarily nervous, on the contrary I was bursting with excitement. Did I drink too much of the yellow vial this morning? ...Ehh, what harm can a little happy do? I thought. I pulled on a brown turtle neck sweater splattered with black Ink stains, a pair of jeans, my shoes, and finally my trusty brown- to beige scarf. I quickly opened a portal with my Broomie and hurried to meet Error on our cliff in Outertale. As I exited my portal I didn't see Error there yet, witch in my opinion was odd he was always very punctual. I sat down on the cliff ledge and swung my legs in both boredom and excited anticipation.

After awhile I got very bored and decided to go to Error's antivoid to see why Error's taking so long. Using my paint brush to once again make a inky portal I jumped in and was greeted with Error's white endless void. The place always made me uncomfortable, the white made me feel like I had forgotten something, I even sometimes had flashes of visions and eventually found my self in a fetal position crying my sockets out. So now I hated white. spaces. So naturally I wanted to find Error as fast as I can and get out of here.
So I yelled, "Error! Where are you?"


There wasn't any answer which slightly made me feel off. He usually would yell at me to 'shut up' or that, 'he'd be there in a moment'. I feel a sinking feeling in my non-existing stomach. Something's wrong. I quickly ran around to find Error. Every minute I got more worried, I got more scared, and I got visions. I fell to the voids floor sobbing from the visions; they were over whelming me, and made where my soul should be hurt.

After a while I shakily stood, I have to find Error. I'm determined to.. he might be hurt or worse. I thought using my brush to stand. I looked to the 'roof' of the void to look at Error's strings, puppets, and human souls hanging there to try and calm down. I decided to now check the sea of blue strings to look for Error. This wasn't necessarily Errors favorite spot in the Antivoid but Error wasn't anywhere else in the Antivoid, and I didn't feel him in another au. Once up here I carefully walked on the unsteady string 'roof'.

Though, what I saw a few feet in front of me horrified me. I froze in my place unable to move. Error was there hung up in his own strings a noose around his neck.
"Error. Error!?" I said, I couldn't believe this. I was in tears, this feeling is even worse then the pain I felt while having those darn visions. Suddenly, before I knew it my self I was running over to Error, no longer paying attention to my footing... That was a mistake because the strings gave out from under me and I was sent plummeting to the white floor.

I woke up what I had guessed to be a few hours later. I made a portal to my room and sat on the bed, not even caring about my achy body. And looked at the painting I'd made of Error.. My favorite one... The one of him smiling... A smile I'll never see again. I didn't feel anything.

"I-I can't live my life happily without his smile... I... I can't live without him." I said my voice full of hurt. I stood and created a rope, hung it up on the ceiling with a chair, and put my head through the noose I made after. I looked to the painting of Error. "I hope you can forgive me Error but... I just can't live without you." I said before kicking the chair out from under me. I choked and gasped for the first seconds but soon everything went dark. I was dead. I hope I see Error again.

I opened my eyes to see I was laying down in a lush green field.
I Thought I died? I am so confused. I thought I just killed my self!? I sat up and tried to peer over the long grass, though it was no use, (the grass is like 3 1/2ft tall) so I stood up and and looked around. When I turned around I saw a black skeletal figure, with a white jacket on with it's hood up, with their back to me. The only true way I could tell they were a skeleton was because I could see their lower arms.

I began walking twords them. Half way to where they were I said, "Ha-hay um where am I?" I yelled unsure of who they were. They quickly turned their head to me the hood hiding their upper face. The figure smiled a big oddly enough genuine smile. They started to hurriedly walk over to me, which turned to a run, then a sprint. I was confused, and wanted to run from the stranger but something in my gut told me to stay where I stood. So I did. The stranger suddenly hugged me, and held me tight like I might disappear. I wanted to tell him that I didn't even know him and to let me go, but something about him told me I knew him. (He realized he's a boy)
Then I felt it, they didn't look familiar, but they some how felt familiar. Ink was confused. He only felt this way around Error. Unless.. could it be?

"Error is that you?" Ink said in disbelief.

"Yeah." At first I was happy, I would get see his smile again. But then I felt angry, betrayed, and sad.

"I hate you.. why did you do it? Was I not good enough!?" I said tears running down my face.

"No, I wasn't good enough. The voices, they made me, they told he how useless I was and so on and so forth." Error separated from our hug to dry my tears, and smiled down at me.

"Error you aren't any of those things! Your strong, brave, smart, fun to tease, sure a little moody at times but I know you still care, and that's why I love you!" I confessed. I was surely a rainbow, because I was blushing so hard. Then I realised, was it too soon? I mean we are dead and-
I didn't have time to finish my own thoughts as I was pulled into a kiss. I was shocked at first but then quickly melted into the kiss. It was a sweet and long meaningful kiss. We soon had to part for a stupid thing called air, even though we're dead... don't ask me the logic in that. He looked down at me smiling that amazing smile of his.

"I love you too, Ink."

Man this took forever to do! This is my first  actual angsty oneshot what do you guys think? Please tell me of any mistakes.

1265 words

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