"You ready?" Vegas asked holding a grip on my hand.

I nodded and smiled, we was about to open the door but we looked at each other as we heard a loud voice yelling inside.

Not able to utter a word when the door suddenly open revealing Porsche with his lazy face.

He looks at us frowning next to glance on our hands, I quickly withdrew my hand in panic.

"Pete?" Porsche called me.

"Huh? Pete is there?!" I heard Khun No's voice, missing that voice but I can't help to pursed my lips in panic.

Not a single minute has pass, the door open widely revealing all of them look at me with a smile in their eyes.

"Pete! My precious bodyguard you're back! Ohoi I'm so worried about you!" Porsche who is infront of the door can only move when Khun No push him mercilessly just to reach me.

I smile awkwardly when Khun No gave me a hug.

I didn't know what happened next but I found myself inside the room with all eyes on me, everyone are here including Khun Kim, Khun Kinn, Khun No together with Arm and Pol, Macau, and Khun Prim, Porsche, and Vegas is in the right corner of the room huddled behind khun prim.

"Oi Pete where have you been?" Khun Kinn asked. "You know how Tankhun almost kill me accusing me that I send you to the enemy" Khun Kinn said.

"Khun No almost burn the house annoying everyone to find you" Arm reported.

"Kim lied to us when he said you go home to your province, but we call your grandparents they said you're not there!" Khun No said in stress.

I can only massage my temple and sigh in stress, my head hurts all of a sudden because of the never ending interrogation of them.

"Oi stop asking a lot of question to P'Pete, look at him he didn't even got a chance to see P'Venice!" Macau utter a word and when the fact hits me, I immediately turn my head to Venice who is fully awake and smiling staring at me.

I forgot that he is the reason why we're here.

"Venice..." I called him with almost a whisper.

"Pete, come here..." Venice called me with his husky voice.

I slowly walk towards him with my heart tighten.

"Let's go outside and let them talk first" Khun Kinn announced letting everyone to go out first.

I heard everyone sigh in frustration as they slowly get out one by one until no one left.

I got a chance to look at Porsche who is crossing his arms narrowing his eyes as he stand in the corner looking at me with confusion.

Now everyone left the room, I sat down beside Venice.

"How are you? Are you feeling well?" I asked checking his condition.

"Pete, I miss you... I'm so scared of that night when I thought I'm going to die not seeing you..." Instead of answering my question, he then held my hand saying that words.

Die For You ( VegasPete )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें