"Well we'll look who's decided to join" Andy said with a smug look on his face
"What are you guys doing" I questioned walking closer to them
"We're gearing up"
"Preparing for the hunt"
"Hey,man. Relax. We're not killers like Eddie. We just want to talk to him. Get him to admit his crime" Jason said putting his hand on my shoulder
"Yeah, a little friendly neighborhood chat" Andy said laughing while Patrick joined in with him

"Hey. You didn't know Chris. If you're not up to this , you can go home. There's no judgment. You'll still be one of us, all right?" Jason said to me sympathetically. Looking over to the other two I knew that if I didn't join, i would be frowned upon
"No. I'm good. I wanna help" I said with a numb expression casted on my face.
"All right then" Jason said smiling at me. "Let's go and capture a freak" the car trunk slammed down signaling for us to get in the car


After we piled into the car Jason began to drive around looking for who knows what. Twenty minutes have currently passed and so far this hung for Eddie has gotten us no where
"Patrick your nose" I heard Andy say from the row in front of me.
"Your nose, it's bleeding"
"That's gross man"
"Well. Well, well what do we have here" Jason said turning the car into someones drive way. Looking out the window I looked around trying to. See who's drive way we had entered. Looking into the garage I saw my fellow Hellfire club members practicing for what I assumed to be their next band show.

"You're a little early fellas, shows not til next week" Garrett said walking up to Andy
"That was music?"
"We're looking for Eddie. He's in this band, if that's what you call this" Jason said simply
"What do you care?" Garrett questioned
"That's our business"

"Lucas?" I heard Garret say confused. My eyes shot up meeting his eyes with a glitch of fear in them "What are you doing with these douchebags?"
"You know these freaks Sinclair?" Jason asked me
"Uh, they know my sister. They tried to recruit me to their club, cult" I said my heart beating faster with every lie I told hoping they wouldn't call me out on my bluff

"Lucas, what the hell?"
"We're just trying to find Eddie man" I said acting like I didn't know him
"Well you have eyes, don't you? He's not here" Garrett stated simply clearly getting aggravated by us. I started to head back to the car thinking we would just search somewhere else when Jason suddenly punched Garrett in the face
"Where is he?" Jason demanded holding Garrett firmly by the neck of his clothes
"I dont know" Garrrett yelled causing Jason to hit him again and again. The others tried to argue against Jason to let Garrett go but they got beat up as well
I didn't know what to do. So I stood there putting my hands over my head nervously hoping this would all just end soon.

"It's gonna be hard to play those drums with a broken hand huh?" Jason yelled stepping on Garrett's hand
"Dustin!" Garrett yelled. Shit not Dustin
"Dustin Henderson!"
"Dustin Henderson! He was calling around looking for Eddie. Maybe he found him!" Garrett said in pain
"See that wasn't so hard was it? Now. Where do we find this 'Dustin'?" Jason demanded releasing his foot from Garrett's hand
In that moment the only thing I was hoping was that Dustin hadn't found Eddie and that he wasn't home


Arriving at Dustins house the others went up to the Hendersons door handing on it and looking through the windows. This is my chance. I thought to myself. Silently I opened the car door and bolted to the other side of the house where Dustins room was.
Knowing that he always leaves his windows opened I quickly jumped through them and into his room shuffling over to the radio turning it to channel forty three.

"Dustin. Dustin. It's Lucas do you copy? Dustin?" I said frantically into the radio
"Lucas? Where the hell have you been?" Dustins voice said echoing through the radio. Sighing in relief I quickly gathered myself in Remembering what I had to tell him
"Are you looking for Eddie?"
"Yeah and we found him no thanks to you" he said with annoyance laced in his voice
"You found him?"
"Yeah, he's at the boathouse on Coal Mill Road. Don't worry he's safe"

"You guys do know he killed Chrissy right?" I stated
"That's bullshit. Eddie tried to save Chrissy" Dustin said. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion
"Then why do all the cops say it was him?" I said frantically. The line went silent and the only sound in that time frame was random beeps

"Lucas you're so behind it's ridiculous, okay? Just meet us at the school we will explain later" A different voice said through the Walki. My heart beat quickened knowing who that voice belong to.
"I...I cant. I think some real bad shots about to go down" I said softly
"What are you talking about what bad shit" Max's concerned voice spoke
"Sinclair!" Andy's voice rang from behind me. Shit

"What the hell were you doing?" Andy asked as I jumped out of Dustins room
"What, freshman thinks he's Sherlock Holmes or something?"
"Yo, let's go" Jason said from the distance. As they started walking away I knew I had to do something that would lead them off Eddies trail

"I found one" I said quickly
"A clue" I said gathering their attention to me for a moment longer "I know where Eddie's hiding"


Hello my lovelies! Hope you enjoyed. This is kinda a filler episode sadly

For the next chapter we are going to go "back in time" a bit. Not to their past but to like moments before this chapter with Max POV

If you have any recommendations let me know

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