Chapter 15: Time to get serious! Part 2

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Meanwhile in Dreamscape...

Narrator and viewers' POV:
As Chase and Constellation Skye traversed through a long path,they're finally meters closer to their destination. Constellation Skye has finally got over her unintentional feelings for Chase but deep down inside,something is telling her that she'll probably miss him. Chase on the other hand,is not feeling okay...sure he looks fine,but something inside him is starting to add pressure to his chest and is gradually slowing him down. When Constellation Skye saw what's happening to him,she figured out that someone is trying to stop him from going any further.

Constellation Skye's POV:
"Oh no! Chase! Are you alright?!" I rushed over to him and he started coughing. "S-skye...what's going on with me..?" He said coarsely. I tried searching for something to cure him in my bag and I unfortunately don't have anything. I suddenly heard a laugh from behind my back and I saw Void Chase strangling him. "You think I will let you go?! No! I will keep you here,and bring you nightmares for the rest of eternity!" Void Chase shouted at Chase. I got mad and threw a star projectile at him,at which he dodged and threw it back at me,to which I barely avoided. "Leave him alone! You won't have any idea how his girlfriend will be when he never makes it!" I yelled and he let out a laugh. "Oh you think I don't know that?! That's exactly what I'm going to do! And once he never comes back alive,my job will be done!" Void Chase said. "LEAVE...HIM...ALONE!!!" and I charged towards him.

Chase's POV:
Oh no... what's going on with me?! My chest is tightening and my vision is getting blurred... And Constellation Skye and Void Chase are fighting again... I can't move... I can't stand up... I can't help... I... have to do something!
Fight scene:

V. Chase started blinding C. Skye's vision with his dark powers and then channels a powerful projectile at her. C. Skye gained her vision and managed to avoid the giant projectile but V. Chase immediately approached her and grabbed her by the head. He then proceeded to fly down and smashed her head on the ground,but C. Skye detonated herself with a giant explosion of bright light,seemingly blinding V. Chase's vision. C. Skye then launched a barrage of paw punches at him and finished him off with an uppercut.

"Nice try...but you won't get past this one" Void Chase said.

V. Chase started releasing many projectiles in all directions and C. Skye tried to avoid them with her best,but was hit by one of the projectiles to which V. Chase released another projectile towards her,which pinned her down to the ground. V. Chase summoned a giant ball of purple fire towards her. She escaped and then teleported behind V. Chase,to which she kicked her into the giant purple fireball he made and he exploded right at its center.

"Ha! What were you saying again? I probably didn't happened to get exploded by my own attack anyway" Constellation Skye mocked.

V. Chase disintegrated to ashes,which then appeared in front of her,and spat a black stuff on C. Skye's face,to which she exclaims in disgust distracting her off and she got shot by a bolt of purple lightning which knocks her out,while C. Skye planted a star bomb behind V. Chase to which it exploded and sent him flying near C. Skye

Fight scene ends...

Chase's POV:
I can't believe this... they're both fighting now?! What about me?! I'm slowly losing it...oh no... "Why are you doing this?! Chase hasn't done anything to you! Why did you poisoned him?!" Constellation Skye said while shedding tears. "So that's why...I was poisoned...the only thing that can fix my situation is Skye. She has a star bottle,and Constellation Skye told me that it's the only cure for my poisoned heart. Oh Skye...I need your help...please..." I said.
meanwhile in Adventure Bay...

Skye's POV:
"Come on,Chase...come back to me...come back to us...we need you!" I said while pouring every content left in my star bottle. The Heart Rate Monitor is statically still and there's no sign of breathing. I can hear Marshall,Everest,Rubble,Rocky and Zuma already letting out some tears while Ryder looked down on the ground with sadness.
meanwhile in Dreamscape...

Chase's POV: feels light...I can finally stand up again! Skye used the star bottle! Thanks Skye! You saved my life...I can see Constellation Skye and Void Chase fighting again,and I have to do something to stop their fight. "I have to poison him because...because...BECAUSE I AM MAD!" Void Chase said while dodging Constellation Skye's attacks. "YOU DON'T HAVE TO! BECAUSE YOU MADE ME MAD!" Constellation Skye said while dodging Void Chase's attacks. "STOP!!!" I said and they both did. I stepped in and decided to ask my Void self what's really bothering him. "Tell me...why would you poison me? Scaring me for eternity isn't your real reason by the way you twitch your tail everytime you see me...with her" I said and he tried to bluff. "Absurd...she clearly has a crush on you,right?" He said and I countered. "Why? Jealous?" I said and he backed off. "I think YOU'RE the one who has a crush on her...and you're only attacking me because you can't express your feelings to her" I said and then he went silent,tears in his eyes,and he burst out a whine. "I...I...I don't even want to hurt you! But I had to,because I was jealous. You see...I already have a crush on her ever since,but I can't because she might reject me for being a Void,and Constellations and Voids can't be together. But when she looks at you,she started to like you immediately,and I knew that she didn't wanted you to go...I'm sorry I did this to you,I know I'll die if you die,but I just...I just...hated seeing her with others..." Void Chase confessed and Constellation Skye was left speechless. "Well...if you love her,you could've just told her,even though it's against your will" I said and he looked down.

No one's POV:
Constellation Skye: Is it true? You have feelings for me?

Void Chase: Yes... that's why I was going easy on you... I don't want to hurt you,or Chase,or anyone else,but I let my jealousy get the best of me... I'm sorry...

Constellation Skye: I still can't forgive you for trying to stop us

Chase: Come on Skye,give him a chance. He's a Void after all,you can't expect him to be nice friendly on the outside.

Void Chase: ...

Constellation Skye: *sighs* Alright... Void Chase...I will give you one last chance,and if you prove me your capability to become good,I will be yours

Void Chase: Really?

Constellation Skye: Really...come here *hugs Void Chase*

Chase: Aww that's nice...

Void Chase: Thank you... I think I won't be needing my heart anymore. Go...your girlfriend is waiting for you

Chase: Thanks

Constellation Skye combined all of the ingredients needed and gave it to Chase for him to drink. Then Chase stepped into the Fountain of Life and it started to glow brighter while Chase is slowly fading. Chase and Constellation Skye shared one last goodbye before he finally disappeared

Chase: Bye guys

Constellation Skye: not technically goodbye,I still work for you... remember... I will always be watching from the stars...

Void Chase: Good luck out there...and tell Skye I'm sorry...

Chase: I will! Goodbye! *disappears*
Author's note:

Whew,two more chapters left and I'm calling this close! This is too long for me to write but hey,atleast I'm trying to merge it all properly


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