Yeah, that ain't working.

"Any rivalries going on?"

"Not really, I mean there is that band with Tiffany Burkewood but I mean, I just try to ignore them," I blew a strand of hair out of my face, embarrassed I'd brought up Tiffany.

Of all the stupid things I could've said. That was the one that's going to get me questioned.

"And what do you mean by that?" Ashley's eyes sparked with newfound interest.

"Uh.. well, we don't get along? We're from the same school and town and stuff but I mean, we've never been on the best of terms, you know? There have been insults... punches... bruises," I winced, rubbing my side as I remembered the last attack at school.

"Really? So there's been bullying? " she asked me, waving her hand when I asked the time. "Don't worry, we shorten it for the show, the full thing will be online."

"Well, yeah. I mean, it's not just me it's everyone I know pretty much that's been affected. But can we change the topic? I'm really not comfortable talking about this."

"Hmm. Alright. Now let's hear about this relationship you have going on with Carter? How's that going?" She asked, trying to make me more at ease.


"Not exactly a relationship. There was a situation last week where neither one of us wanted to well, deal with really. So we just parted ways." I explained awkwardly.

"What about your band member, Logan? He has quite a crush on you if I recall correctly."

Even I don't know what's going on there.

Cheeks flaming I responded with," Well, we haven't gone out yet or anything but who knows? Maybe in the future something will happen."

"Thank you for your time. Now I think that's a wrap! Send in Tiffany, she's next on the list."

Walking out of the room I ran into Tiffany, well more like she stabbed her heel into my foot.

"Ow!" I held my foot, checking for any damage.

"Listen here. If you think that hurt then your not ready for what's coming next. You are worthless, you're nothing. And I'm going to make sure everyone knows that, " Tiffany snarled at me before strutting into the room.

Whatever. There's nothing she can do to me now.

Boy was I wrong.

"It's always been this way. They've always bullied me!" Tiffany sobbed on the giant screen in front of us. "You can ask anyone back home. Their entire family hates me for no reason! They've attacked me physically and emotionally and now that there's no one to stop them I'm scared. Especially since now Jake is a raging alcoholic and they even have my brother and ex-best friend in their clutches."

"Who the crap is your brother? " I asked as I felt Logan tense up next to me.

We were watching the interviews on the giant screen behind us, we'd just finished performing and we're waiting to see who would be voted off. Since the interviews were so long only the "highlights" were being shown, most likely they were trying to pull on the heartstrings in order to keep some of the bands on the show.

"Who is your brother and ex-best friend?" Ashley's concerned voice asked.

I can't believe she's believing this bullcrap.

"M-my brother is Logan Harrison and my friend was Andrea Robinson. But ever since they became Liz and Jake's band mates Logan has been even more abusive towards me, telling me he's going to hurt me and everything. And Andrea, she's become a whore, just like Liz. She's been sleeping around, leading people on... it's just horrible, " the liar sobbed. At this, I snapped my head towards Logan, in shock.

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