1. recognisable

Depuis le début

"I see." She said quietly, shutting her leather-bound notebook and placing it on the table. "Miss Lebraz, are you aware that this child you're going to babysit is only six years old and I'll be honest that she need more aware on any inappropriate language."

"I can take care of it, and i will never use any inappropriate language or any bad presence." I said will full of confidence.

"Good, okay I'll return in a few minutes." The lady stood up her feet and left me here in this room alone.

I inhaled sharply,this is gonna be Hundred times of doing this kind of routine every morning. Nothing was worse of always hoping that I'll be accepted and it's really struggle to find a job. Always praying and hoping that when this lady came back and hear the word pleasingly in my ear. Tapping my foot and looking around the room as my heart is beating fast over the nervousness i feel.

Tapping my finger on my leg while my foot wont stop moving. Being unemployed is the absolutely worse, i dont even know why i keep leaving on my job when im not happy anymore.

I need to have a temporary job to fulfill my dream. But you know what's annoying? i had to pay my apartment and any bill that i need to pay. So it's really struggle to save up money. I learned to be so independent since when my mother abandoned me. Yes, i hate her so much. Her boyfriend is the worst they treat me like other person, i just couldn't take it anymore, especially her pervert boyfriend that he sexual harassed me, and what's the worst part of that is my Mom never believe me and think that im seducing her shit boyfriend so I've decided to leave and live my own.

How i wish my father is still alive.

And this being babysitter is gonna be so piece of cake for me i hope . Not the first time babysitting some six year old kids I've done this over a years. And sometimes babysitting is not for me like kids are nightmare.

God, maybe it's not a good thing to leave on my previous job? Am i making a huge mistake of my life? I mean there's no turning back anymore, I'll be honest that my position in my previous job is very perfect, they pay me good but i dont know why im always getting bored and not happy anymore.

Before i even get crazy i heard a creak sound on the door, expecting it was the lady but only to find someone.

It's a young kid.

"Hey." I forced some form of cheer into my voice and a sweet smile.

"Hi." She said, her voice soft.

She's actually cute and better yet she's gorgeous. She is naturally beautiful, with her blonde hair, hazel eyes set in a little heart shape face. I expect that this is the one im going to babysit if ever, she's very pretty kid I've ever laid eyes on. I've been with a kid before but this one, she look adorable with her sparkling eyes.

Remind me again what her father look like?

"I believe you're gonna be my nanny?" She said, she even have a beautiful accent, it's mostly sound like a British.

"Well, there's no official yet but if I accepted then that's gonna be a yes." I smiled at her, looking at her lovely face.

"Im already ready for having a babysitter." She remarked, "Not first time to have one and mostly of them doesn't last long. I dont know why maybe because of my daddy or me."

This make my smile faded away. "You're too lovely to be the reason, dont blame yourself im sure they are just boring person." I dont know why this child is already thinking something like that. "What is your name?"

"My name is Brielle."

"You even have lovely name, it's mostly close to the name of belle." I said softly.

"Yeah, they always calls me that but i dont like belle, she have a boyfriend beast and i hate it." Brielle said disparagingly.

Well at least she watched cartoons, i mean that would be so bad if she's already watching some adult.

"Certainly, you're a belle the different one and dont worry that only works in movie." I said. "Beast are not real. Cartoons are very unique to watch."

"I think beast are real I've already seen one." She said that make my jaw drop as she continue. "And no i dont like cartoons, they just give a expectation in real life and you said that only works in movie."

My eyes widened, this kid has a adult mind like how is that happened? She's only six years old. "Of course not...Cartoons are essential part of every childhood. And I think You're very smart girl, Brielle."

"Well, thank you." She smiled sweetly that make my heart melt. "What is your name?"


"Are you from Russia?" Brielle asked me.

I smiled and shook my head. "No, my mother like Russian so yeah."

"I like it." She smiled widely, "It sound like your mother really care about you, unlike mine she abandoned me so my Daddy is the one left behind." She pursed her lips and look down to her feet. Oh boy, if only she knew how evil my mother is. Who really abandoned me as well. "And i wanted to tell you a secret but i dont think i can because you're not my Nanny yet."

"Im good at secret" I leaned and whispers to her. "I could keep it forever." But before she could speak the door opened by the lady earlier.

"Brielle, i told you to stay inside." The lady said to Brielle.

"I was just talking to Yelena." Brielle said politely. "I like her."

Her last words made me smile and give me something inside me that make my heart melt.

"Well, you should get inside, you wont like it if your father finds you here." The lady said firmly as she help Brielle inside and after that the lady came back.

"Sorry about that." Yeah like that would make me get the job.

"That's okay." I said, it was nice talking to Brielle but i expect that it's time for me to leave. I mean that's for sure, im tired of hoping as always.

"Alright Miss Lebraz, you're lucky Brielle already likes you and i think that's enough to prove that you took her attention because usually she dont like her nanny. So...you got the job."

My eyes widened. "Wait, really?" I exclaimed. "Does it mean im officially working here?" I said excitedly, and she only nod her head. "Holy shit!"

She smiled. "I'll be more appreciate if you're not gonna used that words again."

"Sorry." I immediately apologise, i just cant help myself that i can finally have a job and i think that's enough to stop thinking any negative thoughts.

"You can just call me Rosita. You're gonna be responsible to Brielle since you're the only one gonna take care of her 'cause Mr. Turner dont have time to take care of his own daughter. " Rosita told me, i just nodded my head "You're gonna stay here and dont worry I'll be taking care of your things, we have driver to take your bags and bring them here but right now I'll give you a tour of the house."

The tour is taking forever, dont get me wrong this house is beautiful enough and yes it's like a grand mansion. Most of the design are very old or should i say vintage. It's breathtaking. And finally Rosita showed me my room and it's big enough for me to put all my things.

"Your room is only next to Brielle's room because it's much better if you're too close to her room." Rosita removed the curtains that laying on the table of my room. "And please Yelena take note of this, dont ever go to Alex's room, i mean Mr. Turner's room."

"Where's his room then?" I raised my brows as she clapped her hands and i followed her.

"That's his room at the end of the hall and front of it is his office—"

"Rosita!" We heard a rough voice through the other room. That voice...It sound so familiar. Rosita and i whirled around, as soon i saw the man standing ten feet away from us. My eyes widened and felt my jaw dropped instantly.

Holy shit!!

Mr. Turner is my fúcking boss? The one i met on the club?

Oh no you gotta be kidding me!

Im fuck up

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒂𝒃𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 | Alex TurnerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant