Chapter 1

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"I at least have to try. Two months and no job. This is not cutting it."
Taehyung sat on his newly bought sofa looking at job offers in the city. The light from the candles on the table lit up the apartment. His fingers swiped across the screen and he was starting to get anxious. He moved to Busan from Daegu a few weeks ago. He was tired of the same city, the same people, the same everything. He wanted, no, he needed, something new.

He had gone to thousands of interviews and he was starting to lose hope. Even though there was no need to rush, he still needed to pay rent.

The apartment is on the second highest floor of the seven story building. Thin walls and wooden floor. Big windows with a beautiful view. It had its pros and cons. The con is the rent, simply because of his non-existing income. The pro is his neighbors.

Mr Chung and Mr Jeon. They both are really nice. Mr Chung, a middle aged businessman, is often out of town. Mr Jeon on the other hand, is someone that can't be avoided. Mr Jeon works as a trainer at the nearby gym. He is around Taehyung's age and is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful.

They always meet in the elevator. Both of them being young attractive men have created some tension whenever they meet.


Determined to find a job, I go to yet another interview. Locking my front door behind me I go to the elevator. Out comes Jungkook. His toned body is being perfectly hugged by the wet gray t-shirt. His thighs bulging out from his shorts and drops of sweat are covering his face. He looks like a walking sin.

"Oh hi Taehyung!"

"Hi Jungkook."

"Out looking for another job?" Jungkook drapes his hand in his wet hair and Taehyung can  feel his mouth dry up.

"Heh yeah, there must be some job out there."

"I bet you will find a job soon, who wouldn't want to hire you?"

Even though Taehyung knows that it's actually a fair question to ask, he just shyly laughs and enters the elevator.

"See you around then." Jungkook says as he waves his hand making it hard for Taehyung to avoid staring at the man's biceps.

Taehyung soon arrived at the store. It's a black store with tinted windows and a big purple neon sign over it.

Pleasure wonderland.

Taehyung thinks it's a cliche name but what can you expect from a sex shop.

Entering the shop, a talk tanned man stands by the counter.

"Hello sir, I'm here for the interview."

Taehyung carefully approaches the man behind the counter filling out papers.

"Oh hi, you must be Taehyung."


"Well my name is Namjoon."


"So you want to work here?"


"Then the job is yours." Namjoon says it with such certainty and simply continues filling out the papers.

"What? Aren't you going to ask me any questions? I have practiced all morning on what to say."

Taehyung lips formed in a pout feeling like he wasted his time this morning practicing and researching about the sex toy buisness.

"I'm sorry." Namjoon starts to chuckle. "There's not a lot of people that want to work here and I can always fire you later if you're bad."

Namjoons abrupt honesty takes Taehyung by surprise.

"When can you start working? Tomorrow?"

"Yes sir."

"Great, see you tomorrow then."

Taehyung left the shop and his steps were light. Despite the polluted air he felt relieved and his breathing made him almost ecstatic.

Who would have known that it was that easy to get a job?

Pleasure Wonderland ~ Taekook Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon